The Fellowship Of The Spirit

- The Fellowship Of The Spirit
"The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you." (John 14:17 AMP)

    In Christianity today, we have a lot of people who still think the Holy Spirit as simply a force or a mere thing. And so they ask questions like "What is the Holy Spirit?" as though He is just some object from God. Recently, a high school senior asked me "What is God?" 'What?' God isn't a thing. We may call Him an entity, but that only means He is wholesomely manifested in Father, Spirit and Son. He is a Person; and so is the Holy Spirit of promise -who is the God IN us.
    However, while a lot of well taught believers understand that there is an indwelling presence of the Spirit in us that sealed us on the day of our redemption, identifying us thereby as children of God (Eph 1:13); and that there is a fullness of the Spirit upon us that can be received from the Lord for the utter demonstration of God's power and His full potential within us; many still live aback without acknowledging the ministry of the Spirit WITH us. One same Spirit with three purposes for the comfort of the heirs of salvation.
    And this ignorance is due to the fact that while they recognize that the fruit of the Spirit comes with His presence within us, and the gifts with His fullness upon us, they don't recognize what the ministry of the Spirit with us does. But that is simple: Fellowship. The Spirit is said to guide us into all truth [that means not subjective, but as it covers all spheres of life] (John 16:13), to teach us all things (1 John 2:27), and to give us untainted direction into the will of God at all times (Isaiah 30:21); and this He does as a Person, and can only become tangible in your everyday life when you begin to see Him as a person constantly with you all day, every day.
    He communicates, communes, and convicts us as a person would. You may not see Him with your eyes, but you can capture Him in your heart, feeling His presence with you everywhere you go. Paul gave a perfect picture when he said the Holy Spirit withstood (resisted, stood in his way, refused) him as he sought to go to the Asian province of Bithynia (Acts 16:6-8). He puts it in such a way that we know only a person can do, and not just some force.
    That's exactly how He wants to walk with you in real time. He wants to lead you until you come to the fullness of your sonship in Christ. He is a person who wants to fellowship with you. He says He is always at the door of our consciousness seeking for us to let Him in (Rev 3:20). He helps us overcome the daily trials of life, and reveals to us how loved we are of God (Rom 8:13-16). This is what the term "deep calls to deep" means; that is, until we are intimately involved with God, we can't know the heart of God. And only the Spirit of God knows the heart of God (1 Cor 2:11); and so the extent to which we are prepared to walk with Him is the extent with which we are measured to reach in Him.
    Hence, we are called to embrace His fellowship; for in it, we understand and experience the true extent and value of Christ's grace towards us, and the depth and height of God's love for us. "May the grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. May God's love and the Holy Spirit's friendship be yours." (2 Cor 13:14 TLB Emphasis added).

Blessed Holy Spirit, I ask that your presence be evidently manifested in my everyday life. In all that I do, I pray that you guide me and teach me. Reveal your person to me in fellowship, so that I may also see the many glories and riches of the saints in Christ become evident in my life. Thank you God for answering me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.


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