It Pays To Be Good

- It Pays To Be Good
"The man who tries to be good, loving and kind finds life, righteousness and honor." (Proverbs 21:21 TLB)

    It is said that every good deed deserves another. Well, it is very true. The entire Bible proves its validity. And there is nothing more profitable than being good regardless of consequences.
    Let's consider two examples here. First, we have David. In 1 Samuel 30, after his entire household and possessions had been looted by enemy soldiers, David found a servant of the enemy who had been abandoned by his master. But instead of returning evil for evil, David fed him till he was revived. This act of goodness led this man to go against his natural fears just to help David recover all he had lost. It's like what Paul said, when you do good to the enemy, you make void all his attempts to ruin you; for only good can truly overcome all evils (Romans 12:19-21).
     Second, we have Saul. At a time when the people of Jabesh had no one else to stand by them, Saul chose to, and thus rescued them from their oppressors (1 Sam 11). In response, when Saul was at his lowest ebb, and had been abandoned by his own men, even as he hung lifeless on the Philistine wall, this same citizens of Jabesh risked it all to rescue him from the ridicule of the heathens.
     You see, even when Saul had nothing that made him worthy to be helped, the goodness he had shown spoke on his behalf. Goodness is never forgotten. Names might be, but a good act never is. Look at Mordecai's life- his goodness towards the king raised him up beyond expectations. And so, it is never in vain to be good and kind to others. Jesus may not have told us the good Samaritan's reward, but judging by what our theme verse says, we know that he that sows in good deeds must reap in life, righteousness and honor. And we see this evident in Dorcas' story (Acts 9:36-40).
     Hence, invest in your future today by sowing seeds of goodness in the lives of those around you. And you can start this moment. Keep being kind and good to them, and eventually those seeds will culminate in a harvest of greatness too magnificent to comprehend. Glory to God!

I am a child of God. It is in my nature to be good and kind to friends and foes alike. I am a light to my world; a sower of good seeds; and an exemplary of the God-Kind. It is my duty to display the love of God to those around me; and from henceforth that shall be my life's mission, now and forever. Amen


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