Visibly Transformed

- Visibly Transformed
" For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [lead the lives of those native-born to the Light]." (Ephesians 5:8 AMP)
The day we became born-again, our spirit received renewal by the Spirit of God, and were endued with capacity to live above the limitations of our carnal flesh. However, as we give ourselves more to His fellowship, we are gradually transformed in the state of our minds and in the actions of our bodies. Remember, what Paul said the more we behold the reality of the glory of God in Christ "we are transformed from glory to glory by His Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Nevertheless, it doesn't stop there!
In Matthew 5, Jesus said that now that we have been made like Him (v. 14), we must begin to live expressly in that image (v. 16). It is never enough to be something, we have to become it by living as it entails. A lion is not a lion because it looks like a lion, but because it lives like a lion. And so are the children of God. The Bible even tells us that the devil can appear as one of the light, but by his fruit we'd know who he really is; the same goes for us too.
And so Jesus says, you are my people if you continue in my Word (manual for the God-life) (John 8:31). The life Jesus has given you is meant to be visibly exhibited. It is like a light house; it can't and shouldn't be hidden. It has to show in all your dispositions that you are one with God, because most times that's all the Bible folks can read.
Many people say what we do doesn't matter, but as believers believe me what we do does matter. We are constantly under the microscopic scrutiny of society. As the Bible says, a great cloud of witnesses are continuously waiting to see us ratify the truth of our faith by our tendencies of action and reaction. Even manufacturers know that as much as what they say about a product may be appealing to the best of us, only the ability of that product to exemplify what has been said can have the greatest appeal.
You see, even Jesus won more people not with what He said, but by how He lived. Little wonder why Paul admonishes us to take up lifestyles that are parallel to the very gospel of Christ (Phil 1:27). What we are in Christ should reflect in how we live. The fruits should be manifestly seen in us. Peace, love, joy and all the other wonderful expressions of God's Spirit in us should be lucid in our everyday way of life. This change of life speaks as powerfully as any word could ever do, if not more.
Today, you have a chance to make your life a beacon to show the beauty of God's path. Recall how John told us that everything Jesus did and said couldn't have been recorded because they were so great to be contained in a book; well, the Bible is sometimes economical with words so that we can focus on what's more important- which is in this case, the life. Even till date, many are drawn to Jesus because of His life. It doesn't matter who's saying the words- a clergy or a trader, the life is still a fountain of hope. That's exactly what He wants yours to be too; for remember as He is, so are we in this world.
So, tell me, are you changed? Are you born anew with the life of God? Are you a new creation bound for glory? Are you sanctified and justified to be glorified by the Spirit of Christ? Then don't just say it; live it, show it, and walk in the revelation of its reality until it is visibly affirmed by all to the glory of Jesus.


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