Sowers And Reapers
- Sowers And Reapers
"Already the reaper is getting his wages [he who does the cutting now has his reward], for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto life eternal, so that he who does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together. For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps." (John 4:36-37 AMP)
We are all Sowers and reapers in the sight of God. It is a responsibility He has offered unto us for our own good. For a long time, we may have thought that Jesus meant God was the sower, but by reading through and juxtaposing one scripture with another you'd realize that that was only what we thought. Men are the Sowers, and men are the Reapers; all God does is give the increase (1 Cor 3:16). It is our duty of love to take the gospel to the ends of the earth until men not only hear about this word of life, but also believe and receive it. Thousands may have heard the gospel, but record is taken into account in heaven only when these thousands are saved (Luke 15:7).
For instance, in Luke 9, we see that Jesus had gone to Samaria, and they rejected Him. So we can see that they had heard the gospel before but it was foolishness to them; however in the aftermath of our theme verse we see that the whole city received Him and the gospel of salvation. Sowing the Word is not enough because some may be choked out of life as we learned from its parable, we must also persist in our efforts to pursue them for Christ until they are reaped in their new identities in the family of God.
And don't worry, you are as equipped by the Spirit as is required. The word of God may mean nothing to others, but it is truly the catalyst for change from darkness into light (Psalm 19:7, Hebrews 4:12, Romans 1:16, 1 Cor 1:18). With it as your pruning hook and sickle by the power of the Spirit, the harvest of souls will be readily reaped for the Lord. And just in case you don’t know what to say when you launch out, remember that He has given you a mouth and wisdom (Luke 21:15), and will give you the exact word the weary soul needs (Isaiah 50:4). Regardless of how quick or slow you assume your tongue may be, your own job as Moses is simply to go there with God's word as He would have you and reap His chosen ones out of the darkness and into His light.
"[It was] to this end that He called you through our Gospel, so that you may obtain and share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)." (2 Thess 2:14 AMP)
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