Move Beyond Wishing
- Move Beyond Wishing
"By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), and [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength". (Ephesians 1:18-19 AMP)
Many people wish they could do many things. They wished they could go to an Ivy League College, own a house on the French Riviera, marry a great spouse, and so on and so forth. It seems kind of harmless, right? Since as we say it is just a wish. Well, wishing for what you don't have may be harmless, but when all is yours, it is stupid. The scriptures tell us that all things are ours (1 Cor 3:21-23), because God has made us sit in heaven in Christ far above all powers (Eph 2:6), having blessed us with all the blessings there are (Eph 1:3).
Then why do we still wish for things that are already ours in the Spirit? Hence, using the words "I wish I could get better" isn't the right way to speak or think as a Christian, and neither is it scriptural. Anyway, what then should be the prescribed term to use as Christians as revealed in scripture?
Remember, wishing is not an act of affirmation; it has doubt written all over it. And so believers must go beyond wishing, because those who wish can be disappointed. Wishes aren't always established, declarations are; and because wishes do not carry declarative powers, it can do little to nothing.
The first thing, which is the least, we are permitted to-and can-do is hope. Like "I'm hoping God will change my level today". Remember, hope structured in Christ never disappoints (Rom 5:5). However, even in hope we can still entertain some degree of doubt and denial.
And so, we must also go beyond just hoping. We must believe. Like "l believe God will change my level today". Remember what David said about the effectiveness of this process in Psalm 27:13 when he said "[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!"; and you'd note that we are told that as many as believe are given power to become. Hallelujah!
Nevertheless, while hoping is good, and believing is great and as well gives power to become, we must come to the place of knowing- because knowing shows you have become (2 Peter 1:3). Like Job who said "I know my redeemer lives", and as a result survived and eventually thrived despite the attempts of the wicked to wreck him all over, or like Paul who said "I know this shall turn to a deliverance for me" and was extremely favoured by his captors, when we speak from the spirit in the knowledge of the Word of Truth that we know God will do or has done a thing, that is when it transcends from being just a request to an answer. This is because only the truth you know and declare will make you free.
That is also when we become as Mount Zion which will never be moved by circumstances. Furthermore, as Daniel said, they that know..will be strong and do great exploits (Dan 11:32). This is where true faith lies. This is where expectations meet manifestation. This is the faith that changes understanding to create outstanding dispositions and exceptional victory stories for the saints. Faith isn't just merely believing, it is about knowing. Little wonder why Paul emphasized not on hoping or believing but knowing; because what you know, you see, and what you see, you experience.
Therefore, change the way you speak and even think about things that concern you. Learn from the Word of God and practice it. Speak it with affirmation, and live it with expectation; because when you do this, everything said will become to be. So, don't waste anymore time wishing, know what is forever yours and declare it everyday.
- Move Beyond Wishing
"By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), and [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength". (Ephesians 1:18-19 AMP)
Many people wish they could do many things. They wished they could go to an Ivy League College, own a house on the French Riviera, marry a great spouse, and so on and so forth. It seems kind of harmless, right? Since as we say it is just a wish. Well, wishing for what you don't have may be harmless, but when all is yours, it is stupid. The scriptures tell us that all things are ours (1 Cor 3:21-23), because God has made us sit in heaven in Christ far above all powers (Eph 2:6), having blessed us with all the blessings there are (Eph 1:3).
Then why do we still wish for things that are already ours in the Spirit? Hence, using the words "I wish I could get better" isn't the right way to speak or think as a Christian, and neither is it scriptural. Anyway, what then should be the prescribed term to use as Christians as revealed in scripture?
Remember, wishing is not an act of affirmation; it has doubt written all over it. And so believers must go beyond wishing, because those who wish can be disappointed. Wishes aren't always established, declarations are; and because wishes do not carry declarative powers, it can do little to nothing.
The first thing, which is the least, we are permitted to-and can-do is hope. Like "I'm hoping God will change my level today". Remember, hope structured in Christ never disappoints (Rom 5:5). However, even in hope we can still entertain some degree of doubt and denial.
And so, we must also go beyond just hoping. We must believe. Like "l believe God will change my level today". Remember what David said about the effectiveness of this process in Psalm 27:13 when he said "[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!"; and you'd note that we are told that as many as believe are given power to become. Hallelujah!
Nevertheless, while hoping is good, and believing is great and as well gives power to become, we must come to the place of knowing- because knowing shows you have become (2 Peter 1:3). Like Job who said "I know my redeemer lives", and as a result survived and eventually thrived despite the attempts of the wicked to wreck him all over, or like Paul who said "I know this shall turn to a deliverance for me" and was extremely favoured by his captors, when we speak from the spirit in the knowledge of the Word of Truth that we know God will do or has done a thing, that is when it transcends from being just a request to an answer. This is because only the truth you know and declare will make you free.
That is also when we become as Mount Zion which will never be moved by circumstances. Furthermore, as Daniel said, they that know..will be strong and do great exploits (Dan 11:32). This is where true faith lies. This is where expectations meet manifestation. This is the faith that changes understanding to create outstanding dispositions and exceptional victory stories for the saints. Faith isn't just merely believing, it is about knowing. Little wonder why Paul emphasized not on hoping or believing but knowing; because what you know, you see, and what you see, you experience.
Therefore, change the way you speak and even think about things that concern you. Learn from the Word of God and practice it. Speak it with affirmation, and live it with expectation; because when you do this, everything said will become to be. So, don't waste anymore time wishing, know what is forever yours and declare it everyday.
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