Breaking The Limits

- Breaking The Limits
"Nathanael answered him, [Nazareth!] Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Philip replied, Come and see!" (John 1:46 AMP)
   First of all, a soon-to-be disciple of Jesus wondered if He could be the Messiah simply because of His geographical origin; then the Jewish leaders also tried to make a contravention against His identity on the basis of the same ground (John 7:52). It may be a social convention to believe that some men can be written off based on their family background, societal class, financial history, and academic laurels; but it is never the Kingdom's.
   In the Kingdom of God, it's not about what men think, but about what God has said. It is not about what you presently have, but who you eternally are in Christ. Not about the number of buts on your profile, but about He who can make something out of nothing through your life.
   And so in this light, God says that your limitations will never mean your expiration; rather He will use it for your glorification. Remember, He is the God who uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak things to shame the mighty (1 Cor 1:27). He causes the despised fellow and the unseen life he holds to make of no meaning the life he sees now (v.28). So, if people have called you useless, or a waste of time because of your present circumstance or position, don't believe them because that isn't what God says about you. Don't let it get to you because that isn’t who God says you are. Look at what they said about Jephthah, Joseph, and-for God's sake-about Jesus. It doesn't matter what they say, what matters is that you will become all He says you are in the power of God's grace working through you.
   Thus, don't write yourself off; God hasn't. Don't think your present stop is your end. He said the latter glory will outweigh the former. "Former" here represents your present state of life. And so He concludes that by virtue of your divine position in Christ your future is bright (Proverbs 4:18). You'd also notice that no terrestrial location or origin isn't mentioned, but simply destiny. This is because to God your destiny is beyond your present limitations. Your divine origin and identity in Christ makes you entitled to a glorious inheritance of victorious living. Hence, if Jesus broke the chains of limitations that were set against Him, you will too. Therefore, receive grace by the Spirit of God to live above your limitations starting today. Hallelujah!  


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