Be Courageous, Take A Step

- Be Courageous, And Take A Step
"He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus." (Matthew 14:29 AMP)
Most times, all we have to do to see the product or the end point of our faith is just to take a step. This is because while all things are possible, only the ones you believe are enough to act towards will be possible for you.
For instance, when Peter and John saw the lame man, and declared wholeness into his life in the name of Christ Jesus, they took a step before they saw in physical the end product of their faith. That is, their lifting up the man, who had no fitted legs as to walk was a sign of faith on their part (Acts 3:7) , while the leaping up of the paralyzed was a sign on his part (vs 8).
Note, the Word of God was given to you and I by the inspiration of God, whether centuries ago, or just last night; but note as well, it wasn't given to just inspire you; No! It was given also to transform you- imputing in you the faith of Christ, as well as the capacity and the confidence of whom He is to always take a step to confirm our faith.
Perhaps, at this point in time, you are believing in the Lord that He would use you to do greater things that would keep your legacy crested in the hearts of men, and yet you are still afraid to do what He's telling you to do. Again, I'm here to tell you and to tell myself that it is one thing for God to speak, another for Him to enable men to do what He has declared, and entirely another different thing for Him to do it Himself. So, when He plans to use you as a tool, He intends that you be a tool not just on paper or in His pronounced words, but also in the deeds He intends for you to do.
Thus, in case you haven't started leaping as He expects, I implore you to, because the truth is, except you take a leap, you might never get to stand. Hence, stand today towards that endeavour by acting as He expects you to today!


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