Your Circumstance Is Only A Comma, Not A Full-Stop

- Your Circumstance Is A Comma, Not A Full-Stop.
"Soon-and it will not be very long-the wilderness of Lebanon will be a fruitful field again, a lush and fertile forest." (Isaiah 29:17 TLB)
There might be a whole lot of buts in your life presently, but it shouldn't define who you are.
"He has a great vision, but no sponsor". "He is a great guy, but he has no one who wants to go out with him". "She is a bright kid, but I'm not sure she can afford College". "He is a godly man, but we can't find enough good things happening in his life right now". "She's everything but married". These are stereotypical statements, not the true definition of a man's life.
Circumstances never define a man; rather his stance in them do. Even Jephthah had a but. The Bible called him a great warrior but the son of a harlot. However, I want you to get acquainted with the real message there. Jephthah might have been the prostitute's son, but he became great. That's much like what the Bible was trying to say. He may have had bad circumstances in the past, but his present and future were way different and better.
Though we say that the seeds sown become the crops harvested; anyway I'd like to add that that's only if you were the sower, or permitted the seed sown to thrive. In Jephthah's case, he couldn't be judged by his mother's disappointing life; rather he rose above that smeared situation and kicked that social quagmire goodbye. His mother may have sowed seeds of failure, but he dug them up, and in their place sowed seeds of success- just like Jabez, and as I also hope to be able to say just like you very soon.
A presumably disadvantaged Jephthah who was written off from being a family head became the head of a clan and nation. That is how I know that while the best of "me" can do nothing, the least of God will do everything. And we have Him in us. Concerning our inadequacies, "Each time he said, 'No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people'..." (2 Corinthians 12:9 TLB).
God used Jephthah's harsh experiences as a platform and a ladder to an unexpected array of success stories, but never as a veto to keep him in failure. All in all, after the experiences and expectations are come and gone; after the buts have been placed and displaced, all there will be is always a choice. A choice to either stay a failure, or the choice to become a success. And that choice is no one else's but yours. Only you will eventually decide if your chapter ends with the statement of your present circumstance.
So, God says I place before you a chance at attaining a new lease of life or death, an opportunity to grab blessings or to settle with the curse; and my question to you now is, in spite of your supposed many buts, which will you choose today? 5..4..3..2..1.., Choose!


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