You Are Blessed!

- You Are Blessed!
"You are not to curse them, for I have blessed them!" (Numbers 22:12 TLB)
When the Bible speaks of how we are no longer under a curse, but have been redeemed by grace, many a person don't still understand how extreme it is. Well, let me show you.
As the Lord took Israel from one conquest to another, a fear gripping king sought for a way to distort their progress. So, he had a council meeting with the leaders of Midian, and decided to have a prophet curse Israel so as to impede their growth and success rate.
They went to Balaam the seer with money in order to coax him into performing the act, but God would not let him. They came again with a greater amount of treasure for him, but God sternly warned him against it.
Again and again, they increased the reward and made the conditions of his work more favourable, but God would not permit it saying, "There shall be no enchantment against Jacob, and no divination against Israel" (Numbers 23:23). Instead of cursing Israel, he said he had received an irrevocable command to bless, and blessings alone he shall give (v. 20).
You see, when a man pleases God-as we do in Christ, even our enemies seek peace with us. No amount of effort will prosper their act to pull us down. Hallelujah! The Scriptures cannot be broken. It says it is our heritage to completely resist every evil judgment and weapon targeted against us (Isaiah 54:17). God's covenant over our lives assures us of maximum protection and sustenance from the works of the devil; because He came, died and resurrected to completely defeat these works against our lives.
In other words, you are destined to flow in God's blessings, not curses. You cannot be cursed in Christ, because to do that the enemy would have to get through God and through Christ to get to you (see Colossians 3:3).
Hence, be conscious of this heritage of yours in Christ. You are blessed. All blessings there are belong to you because you belong to Christ (Eph 1:3, 1 Cor 3:21-23). Get excited; throw away the pale face, because regardless of what might seem to be, you are only permitted to operate in blessings.
Now, how did it end for Israel in the Balak's scenario? We learn that there's always an angel standing to confront every single enemy of your soul, so that as Israel, it can be said of you that, "Oh the joys awaiting Israel, joys in the homes of Jacob...They shall be blessed with an abundance of water, and they shall live in many places...Blessed is everyone who blesses you o Israel. And curses shall fall upon everyone who curses you." (Numbers 24:3-9 TLB).
Your peace and quiet has returned, because as Athaliah was taken down (see 2 Chro 23:21), every long-standing foe of yours has been taken down in Christ. By the presence of the Holy Spirit in, upon and with you, it is settled (Isaiah 32:15-20). Glory to God! Again, rejoice for you are blessed!  


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