Winning With God

- Winning With God
"All nations (the surrounding tribes) compassed me about, but in the name of the Lord I will cut them off! They compassed me about, yes, they surrounded me on every side; but in the name of the Lord I will cut them off!" (Psalm 118:10-11 AMP)
Sometimes, the challenges we face may pose a great threat to our faith; and as such lasso us into a state of endless panicky and fretting. However, I want you to know that the same thing happened to Hezekiah.
The Assyrians had the numbers, the weaponry, the expertise of war, the confidence, and the ravaging countenance on their faces; but it didn't mean that they had the advantage. They had told the people of Judah that God couldn't save them nor could any man help them because they [the Assyrians] had never lost a war before. Well, while the statistics may have sounded right from a distance, it doesn't mean they were right.
In our own lives, we have almost, if not, the same kind of adversity on our front door nearly on a daily basis; but while the challenge may truly be challenging, only you and I can let it win. How?
Let's go back to Hezekiah; how did he react when he found himself in such unfamiliar grounds of trial? The Bible says he went to God (Isaiah 37:1). He gave himself completely to lean towards faith in God than towards the fear of his circumstances; having understood that that's where the advantage lies.
You see, the same challenge that makes you assume God is not enough can only be put to bed by seeing God as enough. And so like Hezekiah, we have to keep our eyes and hope on God. Little wonder why we are told to focus more on Jesus than on our problems (Hebrews 12:2).
In Microscopy, we are told that the more you focus on a thing, the bigger it becomes. In the same way, if you focus more on these challenges, they will soon become too large for your heart to handle; and thus comes depression, despoliation and despair. But when we focus on God as Hezekiah did, we'd find in time how puny they were in comparison to how great our God is. He delivered Hezekiah amidst the threats; He will deliver you.
All you have to do is keep your eyes and hope on Him; for as many as trust in Him are never put to shame. Are you presently passing through a hard time? Put your faith in His promises to deliver you, because He will. And when He does, you will realize that winning begins with trusting and staying firm in God. I'll leave you with these words of Paul to reassure you that no matter where you are now or what may have happened in your life, God will rescue you eventually.
"For I know that this shall tu
rn to my salvation through your prayer, and supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ" (Phil 1:19)


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