Spread The Word

- Spread The Word
"Until I get there, read and explain the Scriptures to the church; preach God's Word." (1 Timothy 4:13 TLB)
Every believer is called to be a Sower of the seed.
Just like how cutting down a tree is much easier and less time consuming than the process of planting one, refuting the Word is easier than spreading it. In fact, doing nothing might be enough to refute the Word that had been received by the public, but it's never enough for spreading it. Spreading the Word is a conscious act, and a very important one at that, and that's why Jesus emphatically urges us to go and preach it in as many places and direction as possible.
God's Word is a seed; and without being planted, the world would eventually die of impoverishment. God’s Word is the only hope this world has. This is because the only way to change the world is to spread the Word. It is the only way to know where true salvation and peace lies- God. The Bible says "Come', everyone will say, 'let us go up the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple of the God of Israel: there he will teach us his laws, and we will obey them'. For in those days the world will be ruled from Jerusalem. The Lord will settle international disputes; all the nations will convert their weapons of war into implements of peace..." (Isaiah 2:3-4 TLB).
God's Word, and the spreading of it, is the only way the world can experience the true peace that God gives, because it will lead them back to Him. The Bible encourages us to speak such words to as many as we can find. It says "With this news bring cheer to all discouraged ones. Encourage those who are afraid. Tell them "Be strong, fear not...He is coming to save you" (Isaiah 35:3-4 TLB). And so, to save the world, it has to start with spreading God's Word sporadically (Romans 10:8-17).
Knowing this, what did God do then? He commissioned us to preach the Gospel everywhere. We are the officials who must go down through the highways and hedges until all hear and receive His message. We are the Sowers with the seed of the Word to be planted in the depth of every man's heart. Remember, it is God who gives seed to the sower (2 Cor 9:10); however it is we the Sowers who must do the sowing and nurturing even as we await God's ultimate harvest of the saints.
Take it as your personal task. Paul said that woe unto him if he preached not the word of God to others with the time he had here on earth (1 Cor 9:17). The necessity is in high demand, seeing how quickly many are perishing in the bondage of the devil; however a seed won't plant itself. A hand is required. And in this case, God requires your mouth, your feet, and all of you (Rom 10:15).
The world needs to hear about Jesus, and God is confident that you'd be up to the task. Just start where you are. You may not have an extra avenue to propagate the Word like a weekly TV program, a big conference speaking opportunity, or maybe even a blog as this, but you can start with where God has you now. It is not the size of the influence that truly matters, but the willingness to obey God wherever you are. Remember, it is not in numbers alone, for God has the power to help or frustrate (2 Chro 25:8).
Therefore, with the Word of God in your mouth, meet as many as God brings your way; be adept and sow and nurture the seed in them until they bring forth a harvest all in glory to God Almighty. Hallelujah! It is always in God's power to compensate whatever you think may have to be spent (2 Chro 25:9); for at all times after all is preached and done, both the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together.


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