Like The Bumblebee, Fly!

- Like The Bumblebee, Fly!
"And Jesus said, [You say to Me], If You can do anything? [Why,] all things can be (are possible) to him who believes!" (Mark 9:23 AMP)
Mary Kay cosmetics is now one of the largest cosmetic companies in the world because one woman refused to give in when everyone else said it couldn't be done- and that it wasn't possible. In lieu of this, she has the symbol of the company represented by the image of a bumblebee- to showcase her resilience to conquer the many importuned conditions of life.
Now, over the years, scientists have made theories on how it is impossible for a bumblebee to fly, yet it flies. Animal experts also say it should be impossible seeing it has tiny wings and a really big body; but the bee doesn't know it is impossible. It just flies anyway.
The bumblebee outdid statistics and still baffles realists today, and so did Mary Kay Ash. It outgrew its limitations, and now it stands an icon forever.
In the same way, in the sight of God, nothing is impossible for you to accomplish unless that which you call impossible. Your dreams are possible, regardless of how outrageous they may seem. You can do anything as long as you can see it as not a mountain too impassable. You can do it; all you have to do is believe it and then pursue it.
I, on the other hand, have always dreamed of writing books and materials that would impact a plethora of people and generations to come; and today I'm certain in God that it has begun. I dreamed of reaching millions with God's ever effective Word; if you are reading this now, then it means we are already on our way to that. And every day I still desire much more, and so should you.
All I'm trying to say is that whatever you can believe, you can achieve. Your possibilities are yours to decide; no one else's. Only you can place a lid on your bottle of possibilities. If you want it to overflow, it will. It may take some time, but it will. And remember, a dream in the making is far better than no dream at all. You have to keep your dream alive like the bumblebee until you start flying where people said you wouldn't.
Don't spend any more time with people who tear you down, or those who tell you that your life is over simply because their life is over, rather invest in things that build you up- things that tell you that your dreams are possible. Things that tell you that if you can think it, you can do it.
So, what's your dream? Whatever it is, even God just told you that it is possible. Read the opening verse carefully until you begin to understand that it is truly impossible to fail when you do decide to pursue your dream unto fulfillment. Hence, like a bumblebee, fly!  


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