Is God Worth Everything To You?

- Is God Worth Everything To You?
"Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39 AMP)
If you were to choose between a billion bucks to aid your present state, or eternity with God, what would you pick?
First things first, I'm not in anyway insinuating that a man can't have both on his own side of the lever, rather I'm trying to bring into awareness the choice the elements of this world lay before us every day, thereby forcing us deceitfully to derail, as it paints it as our only hope for a legacy.
Many a times, a lot of people go the 'very known' wrong way just because they willingly self-convince themselves that the gains they want is greater than the salvation they need; and due to these actions of theirs rain heavy self destructive predicaments on themselves.
For instance, Judas had salvation right in front of him; in fact he had heaven staring at him, but regardless of such grace, preferred his wanted gain to his needed redemption. While on the other hand, Paul who had no face to face meetings with Jesus, left his Pharisaical affluence to hold on to so great a grace, because he could see the bigger picture of the gains in this 'need' that surpassed his carnal gettings... He said ''but what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ''(Philippians 3:7).
Now the big question is: if we were in Paul's place, would we drop gain for life (as he did)? And if we were in Judas' place, would we drop eternal life for temporal satisfaction (as he did)? Our everyday lives can answer these questions for us, if only we are only sincere with ourselves. The choices we make on a daily basis show us in what path we are headed.
According to the opening verse, on one side of the coin is God telling us that nothing is worth more to Him than us; and on the other side, we are asked to affirm the same. It will suffice you to know that God desires we hold Him more dear than silver and God as David did (Psalm 119:72).
The value we give to God is the value He makes of us. And as I said, He desires to be worth everything to us. He wants to consume our entirety, so that we can be entirely complete through Him. Remember, we always have a choice; and today we must make one.
Hence, this I implore you to do, and myself as well; which is, to see the essentials of Jesus in your life - and to appreciate it by replicating in yourself the life of the Person of the Lord Jesus. Thus, let Him be your major priority in life...the most important factor in your life.... Your purpose, your aim and your for Him, and thence being like Him in your present earth (2 Corinthians 5:15)!


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