God Can Lift You Today!

- God Can Lift You Today!
"Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hands are power and might; in Your hands it is to make great and to give strength to all." (1 Chronicles 29:12 AMP)
From the beginning of the Bible to the last page of it, we are shown one peculiar feature of God out of the many other peculiars, which is the Wonder Working Power of God - the ability and willingness to raise Something out of Nothing, and Someone out of No one.
Let me show you one particularly special case study.
The scripture tells us of the story of David in his trying times when his son Absalom usurped his throne, and sought to totally annihilate him from mortal existence. But in the midst of these trials and troubles, God drew wise men towards David to help him find comfort, hope, faith, and recovery once again; and one of such was the man Barzallai.
When the throne was restored back to David, out of gratitude he chose to compensate this old fellow: and here comes the interesting part. At the hearing of David's offer, this wise man plainly refused the offer, perhaps due to the dangers of long voyages in relation to his age, plus he had all he needed; but he didn't stop there, he recommended a man Chimham to dwell with the king forever.
Now note, here's the miracle; Chimham, I presume, had never thought of himself seeing the King face to face, let alone to live in his palace, but on that fair day, this young man was raised from mere dreams to a reality where he could actually see the King's face all day long every day, which he never once thought would be possible. He was raised out of a town in Manasseh to the palace of the king (2 Samuel 19:37-40).
Thus, this is what I'm trying to say: God has always been a lifter of people. He transforms dreamers to become real live(r)s of the reality of the aspirations (Psalm 113:7-9); but it has also always been a matter of you believing first in Him as your lifter, in order for Him to lift you as you have believed. That is, you have to believe it to see it and live it; for the future you don't expect, you will never experience (Hebrew 11:6).
All my life, I have seen for sure that He is a lifter, and I know you have as well, but do you truly believe God to be a Lifter in your own life? That's what matters most; for as the just shall live by his own faith, you can only live in the reality of your beliefs (Habakkuk 2:4). Hence, you can choose your own experiences in life; with God in and with you, you can. Therefore, believe and live.... even in His lifting power for you today.


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