Avoid Excuses

- Avoid Excuses
"For every man shall bear his own burden" (Galatians 6:5)
Failure is perfected when there is always an excuse for it. Note, it's not a crime to fail, but it is one when we find comfort in it, and this we do when we fail to admit our flaws, but always have an excuse to back up our failures.
For instance, after Adam had fallen at Eden, God came, asking him for the reason why he did fail, and immediately he turned and unconsciously blamed it all on God for the woman He had given him.
But we also see a contrasting case in the life of David. After he had killed Uriah to usurp his bed and his wife, God came to judge him by the mouth of Nathan; and notice David didn't spend anytime giving excuses of him being too bored or deceived by power, but went down on his knees, and immediately sought forgiveness, having the knowledge that though excuses don't cure a problem, but at least acknowledgment brings it to the open for forgiveness to alleviate the sufferer.
Thus, whenever we do something wrong against any - God or man, it is expedient for us to own up to our frailty, and seek their forgiveness: for with an excuse, we indirectly try to paint them as fools, but with acknowledgment and the desire to be forgiven, we show them our true intent and not the misconstrued display we had showcased; and for Him, we show how much we depend on His Supremacy.
Hence, do not fail unto futility, but at least even if you started in failure, acknowledge your fault before God and men, and work well enough to begin your journey back into becoming the winner that you can be!


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