You Need To Know

- You Need To Know
"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe, according to the working of his great might." (Ephesians 1:17-19 RSV)
There comes a time in a man's life when he sits and reasons if his present condition is all there is-and can ever be-to life, seeing the predicaments that stand at traffic against him. In the midst of this hardship, he condemns any hope of rising again-terming it impossible, thereby totally condemning life as non-profitable. And by this, it becomes clear that for those in this circumstance, they make problems the overseer and the arbitrator of their hope in life .
Though the ability to find out our true purpose and heritage might not be a factor that immediately cancels out problems from our lives, but it helps us to live through these problems as if they weren't there- that is, with a victorious mentality. And this is not because they actually aren't, but because purpose looks beyond our today; for while problems might be in our today, purpose sees and shows us beyond these problems into the greater tomorrow our faith in God aids us to see (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
For instance, Peter was once a fisherman billed with the problems of life: having difficulty in getting a catch, had an ill mother-in-law at home, with sleepless nights on the remaining days ahead on his calendar; and this surmounting press of problems only came strongly upon him simply because he hadn't found purpose- he hadn't found his heritage in Christ, nor had he become conscious of it, but at his linkage with Christ, he found his purpose in carrying out the assigned plan of God, and eliciting the saving power of Christ through the preaching of the Word. He discovered who he was and could be in Him.
Note, before purpose, he said ''Depart from me, for I am a sinful man'' (Luke 5:8), but in his days of the knowledge of his clear purpose in life, he was told 'Thou art a rock';  and even when problems in the figurative representation of the Jewish council came against him and the rest, the Scriptures records, that it saw his boldness and marveled (see Acts 4:13).
What had happened? He had woken up. Like the Prodigal son, he had come to his senses, and thus to the consciousness of the reality of his heritage in God. He had come to realize that He who is in and with Him is greater than all there could ever be. He had come to the understanding of his honour in Christ and would no longer be harassed like a beast (see Psalm 49:20). He had figured out that "Christ in you, [is] the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).
Thus, problems are everywhere as the water covers the sea, but by the anchor of purpose and the knowledge of our identity in Christ, we are enabled to shut our senses against the storm, looking up to the after-storm where things favour us again. We have to wake up to the truth of the Word. We have to come to our senses, and not that the present situation presents to us.Remember, he that will have the rainbow must deal with the storm; but as soon as we get aware of our purpose and heritage in Christ, we don't just deal with the storm, we completely overcome it.
Hence, discover your purpose in Him by studying His Word concerning you and fellowshiping in truth with His Spirit, and stay conscious of the promises that come with it; for in order to keep roses blooming again in your life and path of destiny, your hope must be found in-and only in-what and who He says you are. Glory to God!


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