So Little Yet So Great

- So Little Yet So Great
''...but what are they among so many?''(John 6:9)
On seeing the multitude that surrounded them for help, the disciples said unto Jesus, 'it is impossible to feed such a crowd to their full': and Jesus asked for the available resources, but they exclaimed 'it is too little to make any impact'. Yet Jesus said through His action of asking them to get seated ''PROCEED'': teaching us firstly that availability with God, and before God, supersedes ability.
Can you find a similarity in your life? Do you ever think that what God has given you isn't enough to be all He says you can? Well, He says He's given us all things that pertains to life and godliness in order to live a life full of endless virtues (2 Peter 1:3).
Oftentimes, we hear a lot of complaints from people who wished they were born in the White house, of which I used to be a victim of such wishful thinking; yet as Jesus told His disciples, He is saying the same to you that though your beginning may seem small like a loaf, but your end shall be greater, if only you desert the complaining side, and make do with where He has kept you at the moment.
In fact, for Jesus to have chosen of all places a manger in Nazareth as His earthly birthplace, it's because He had a purpose for it, and it's also proof that there's no situation He can't turn into gold. In the same way, the fact that you find yourself where you were born is also for a purpose, and not a reason to think you can't do better.
Remember, a quote became popular in Israel which was ''How did something good come forth out of Nazareth''....a direct form of Nathaniel's speech, same way the same thing can be said of you but first of all, as Jesus you have to start with what you have and where you are; for though it may seem so little, but deep within by constant watering with work, it turns out so great that the world would have no choice but to stare......even your life!
Again, everything great starts little; and God is not moved by your limitations. If He has promised you a great life, then believe Him and work towards it. Don't let what you see cause you to squirm in fear and doubt, rather as Jesus, make maximum use of what you have and where you are now until you become the maximum you were created to be.


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