Practicing The God-Life

- Practicing The God-Life
"You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 AMP)
What makes a man what he is, is not in what he says he is alone, nor in what he believes he is only, but rather what makes him what he is, is what he lives as. After he has spoken and believed, it will turn out as nothing if he doesn't practice it. It is evidently true to say that for a person to be the son of a particular father goes beyond just the biological (that is, what he is said to be), and more into how much of the father such a person has in himself (that is, what he exhibits).
We become children of God the day we believe, but we exhibit this heritage not when someone says we are, but when we begin to live like Him; when people begin to see His traits in us. That's why we are instructed to display our lights now that we've been declared as light (Matthew 5:14-16, Ephesians 5:8).
And as such we can say that the evidence of our communion with Christ is not in the bread we eat, but in His life within us which we express in our everyday lives: and that's what God seeks, people willing to live His kind of life on the earth.
Now, back to you; How much of God can you really say you find in expression in yourself? Not to even talk of how much of Him you live or others see in you. Scripture says ''We are for signs and wonders''(Isaiah 8:18), but whose signs do you think we are suppose to be? Our Father's-. God. We are meant, predestined, and configured to showcase God's Person to the world around us, but how can we do that when we don't even know His Person enough to live like Him?
Hence, from now onwards, do one thing everyday - Learn something new about God...your Father. Spend time studying His Word, and in fellowship with His Spirit. Open your heart to what He will show regardless of how different they may be from what your doctrines say. Commit your spirit to learn His truths on living the God-Life, and master the act of living in that new dimension by His Spirit directing each step you take; and let's see how much impact you will cause on your world in due time. People need a God; and yes we have a God, but we must as well be the gods God placed us on earth to be so that they may see whom the True God really is through us!


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