Overcoming Problems (3)

- Overcoming Problems (3)
"I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]". (Philippians 4:13 AMP)
There is a verse in Scripture I call my personal winning verse, because it helps me bounce back in times of trouble. It also reveals the truth that men try to hide from us - which is, that surely problems would come, but it also gives a plus, which is the fact that ..yes there may be problems, but there is also a God...a Father who help men scale through these ordeals.
''Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it comes. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy feet from being taken''(Proverbs 3:25-26)
Doesn't that excites you? Doesn't it make you feel that there's nothing in all the world that can keep you down?
In this life-changing and eye-opening verse, the Preacher wrote down the word of God to all of His children, saying something like, 'though trials are going to make you feel like closing your life chapter, packing you bags off life, and requesting a quick entry into the after-life', yet He admonishes us never to give in to its frights......never to give up in fear, but to regain balance through Him, thereby beating life at its own game. He tells us that in all of these God's deliverance is the only realistic thing we can end up with.
Thus, always....I say always...no matter what you face in life, believe His words in this winning verse that God is your solution....your alibi.....your confidence in confronting all problems, and overcoming them; thereby making problems no longer problems, but a factor that makes the world surrounding you to see who your Father is, and what He can do for you.......a condition that shows the lexicons what confidence really means.
It's God's delight to save His people. He promises to give us respite even when lions can't afford it (Psalm 34:10). Believe me, if that can't get you excited, nothing can.
Hence, hold on to your faith....avoiding the tides of unbelief that would seek to flow upon your waters daily through these ordeals; believing in Him no matter what comes your way as it was recorded of the nobleman who 'believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him' (John 4:50), and reaping the benefits of trusting in God (see Psalm 28:7)!


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