Maximizing His Power

- Maximizing His Power
"Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you." (Luke 10:19 AMP)
For every time God intervened in Egypt after Moses and Aaron's arguments had failed against Pharaoh, even Pharaoh's aides acknowledged, saying 'This is the finger of God', showing us that:
(1) The involvement of God in any matter can accomplish even what the excessive striving of men cannot (Matthew 19:26), and
(2) The Kingdom indeed is not in words, but in power (1 Corinthians 4:20). In other words, people and circumstances don't submit to you because of what you say, but because of what you do (1 Corinthians 2:4-5). Even Elijah didn’t completely convince the widow until he demonstrated the power of God (1 Kings 17:24).
There comes a time in life when after facing our problems, whether persons or happenings, we go into a word feast with them, with invariable complaints  to make them go away, but then even at that this proves to be inept; since often times as Pharaoh, being stubborn, they persist to stay as a burden against our peace. In situations as this, there is only one solution- which is exactly what Moses did: that is, since they persist to stay despite everything you've said, never desist from calling for the power of God to deliver you. James said that if any man is in trouble, he should pray (5:13); and David then complements it by saying that the day we call upon God in prayer, the enemy will vanish (Psalm 56:9)- because by praying, we make power available, dynamic in its working, and effective for all circumstances.
The Egyptians never believed they could be oppressed until they encountered His power; in the same way no problem sees any solution to itself until a solution is presented. Just as we saw in the gospels, as soon as Jesus walked in, the demons in the Gadarene that tormented the citizens day and night succumbed to His authority.
Power gives room for the expression of authority and dominion; and in Christ, we are endowed with both experiences. When they see God's power at work in you, scripture says they will look and flee; and even the great mountains will tremble and fade away (Psalm 114).
Now guess what? Whether it's lack, trauma, fear, doubt, sickness or any turbulence whatsoever, there may seem to be no solution from here, but I tell you there is always a solution in God; and with His huge finger He doesn't just cover up problems, He eradicates them. By His power which works in us to do exceedingly great things, He puts to rest every cause of worry.
Thus, regardless of how tough your so called problems may be, always know that it can never be tougher than that finger that covered Egypt with darkness. Don't let it keep you in the dark when you have the light in you. Put His power to work in your life. Feed on His Word, pray ceaselessly in the Spirit, and be given to obedience and the love of God, and you will find yourself walking in ceaseless victories.
Therefore, trust God and always call upon Him at every moment of your life. Keep the lantern of fellowship with Him kindled, because whether you're at your Canaan or in Egypt....He is always ready, and His finger remains ever mighty to save....even you (Zephaniah 3:17).


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