God Wants To Teach You

- God Wants To Teach You
"And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." (Isaiah 30:21 AMP)
One of the greatest gifts men can receive from God, other than true life in Christ, is the opportunity to be taught by the All-knowing God. Though we tend not to appreciate it as depicted every time we fail to heed His Word, but believe me, a single piece of revelation you get from God is a gazillion times more profitable than what any college can teach you.
This is because, first of all, revelation supersedes information. It is divine, unadulterated and truth; and secondly, once God has taught you, you are not only ten steps beyond the other man, but also such knowledge can be applied in the physical as well as the spiritual, unlike our human education.
For instance, despite all the qualifications of the wise men of Babylon, they couldn't solve the ridiculous task of the king, even though their lives depended on it. It took a man-Daniel-who had access to God's secret to deliver them. The same can be said of Joseph. The scientists of Egypt couldn't find a method to preserve food for seven years. It took a man with no degrees, but uninterrupted access to divine wisdom to rescue the world from hunger.
Now, back to us:
Many a times we sort of realize that after some experiences we are privileged to enjoy from God, we become more wiser than we were days ago. The same thing occurs even when we read the scriptures; right? Well, it's because God delights in passing down knowledge to everyone whom He has borne unto Himself. The scripture says He gives His hidden wisdom to those who revere Him (Psalm 25:14).
David understood this, and was quick to tap into its current. He wrote an open letter to God ''Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy word'' (Psalm 119:19), and after this experience he wrote again saying 'I have more understanding than my teachers' (v. 99). Hallelujah. The light of God's words transformed his status completely; and it can change yours too (see v. 130)
You see, God is always in sync with the idea of preparing His children for the attainment of a greater wisdom than the world possesses. To make us as Daniel was: more wiser than the world renowned sages. As Joseph was: more wiser than the Egyptian magicians. And as Jesus was: who said a greater than Solomon is here, and as whom we are.
In fact, we have already become much more wiser than the world such as to have seen the need for salvation and eternal life; and this we know for He says that ''They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine'' (Isaiah 29:24)......We have come to understanding, and we have learned; however, He's still willing to cause a drastic, life-changing transformation in us.
But are you willing to accept this change? Are you willing to learn unto understanding? Are you willing to learn of God?
God wants to teach us unto skillfulness in His word, but are you willing to take up the challenge to learn what the world never knew, and may never know?
Your fulfillment of destiny strongly depends on it; for only in the light of His Word shall we see light capable of casting away the darkness from our sight.
Hence, stay alert, learning aptly every bit of what God's preparing to teach you this year and beyond; and I can assure you that you will never miss your way to relief anymore (Isaiah 30:20-21,23-26).


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