Faith Your Way Through It All (3)

- Faith Your Way Through All (3)
"And Jesus said, [You say to Me], If You can do anything? [Why,] all things can be (are possible) to him who believes!" (Mark 9:23 AMP)
On a generalized platform, things always seem to appear and happen in two modes:
First is, the way they normally are, or should be. That is, 'black being black', or what we term 'exactly as we see it', or how it shows itself to be with an intense bravado by sight.
Second is, the way we see them, or expect them to be. This, unlike the first is centered not on what the situation says it is, or natural eyes depict it to be, but on how we conceive it as; which could be even what it originally is not, but definitely what we expect of them by faith.
Little wonder why Jesus always reiterated the statement 'Be it unto you according to thy faith' to everyone who encountered Him (Matthew 9:29); teaching us that it's really not about how things are in the now, but about what God can do about those things after now. His words clearly reveals that the fact that you are bed-ridden doesn't make you a sick fellow, rather you are what you say you are, because it's only in the form you see it that you cease it.
For instance, Lazarus was cold dead, but when Jesus spoke of him, He said 'our friend sleeps'. When Jairus' lass died, He said the same: because being Christ He concluded things not on how conditions presented it, but on what God has to say about it.
And God is not done with us. He doesn't accept the enemy’s verdict about us; and we shouldn't as well. In fact, He expects us to profess as He has declared. And promises that when we declare such truths, they will be established; such that when others are being casted down, because we have consciously chosen to walk by faith in this truth, He would save us, and give us a lifting in life (see Job 22:28-29).
Hence, in the midst of the inevitable moments that would try to make your face drop, do not just accept life's negative verdicts; rather as Jesus, being a child of God, let things be to you only as God says it is.
Note, do not accept the theses of the devil concerning you; only accept the truth of the Word of the Lord, which says concerning you '...all things work together for good'....your good, your favour, and for your glory. Only believe it, speak it, and live it every day of your life!


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