What's God's Presence Worth To You?

- What's God's Presence Worth To You?
"I have asked for one thing; one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord's house all my life, to marvel there at his goodness, and to ask for his guidance" (Psalm 27:4 GNB)

To a lot of people, the presence of God is just a myth, an unreal imagination, an abstract....but for those who have been in situations where they needed a presence to count on, and found His, to them it's a privilege they are never willing to let go forever.
Like they say,once you have taste honey,there's no going back. God's presence is more than honey. The Psalm calls it a brewer of joy and pleasures (Psalm 16:11); meaning that you can have it and think of anything better. And so he gives us a hint for how our need for Him supersedes even that for honey when he depicted Him as a savoury delicacy that can't be resisted. He wrote "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
Why did he say that? What message was he trying to pass along to us?
He said so because the Presence of God greatly exceeds any elixir which brings you up to a very high spirit of invincibility. Even the seas and mountains recede at His presence (Psalm 114). And for this reason, when His touch on a life has been lost or neglected, such a fellow rapidly drools away into captivities that he never should have succumb to.
It is also far greater than any protective shield which covers one from darts and spears; for irrespective of how hideous the valley of the shadow of death may be, when He's around, we are untouchable (Psalm 23:4).
The Presence of God is more of a covering which do not only stay situated on the outside, but also makes its abode on the inside, bringing a restoration of life and dominion to him which with He abides in sweet fellowship. An assurance that even after this world is gone, we will never be alone as long as we go in His path, doing His things His way.
God said 'Even in the fire, I will be with thee' (Isaiah 43:2).... He also said that even if we were trapped in the deep blue sea, He will not leave nor forsake there (Psalm 139:7-12); and this connotes His ever ready will to aid you when all of your aides back down. So, God is committed to being with you forever (John 14:16).
But regardless of this His voluntary will to stay with and in us forever, to experience the fullness of this gift, it all comes down to what His presence means to us; for it's only in defining it that we can really imbibe ourselves in its consciousness in order to let Him fully refine us.
So, these questions go out to you, and to me as well: Is God's presence just a myth to you, or something you hear the preacher preach every sunday? Or is it something you have and still will to experience? Something you cherish, and will never let perish away from your life? Is it something that brings out of you more of the image of 'Him' than 'me'?
We need to answer that.
God is real, and is willing to abide in us at all times, but are we? We say His Presence is a covering... something that must be put on. Hence let's put on Christ- by His Spirit upon us and His All-round word within us, to have His presence 24/7 all around us.
And you can always start today by receiving Him into your life- if you haven't, recommitting yourself to Him, and fellowshipping with Him always in prayer and the study of the word.
If you're ready to do that, please pray this with me: "Lord Jesus, I thank you for another great opportunity to get to know you better. I want to experience the revelation of your Person in my life. Help me to see more of you and less of me, and to know you in greater dimensions than I ever had before. Teach me to honour your will and to follow your ways, even as I have chosen this day to give you maximum control of my life. Thank you for answering me. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen."


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