Living How Jesus Lived

- Living How Jesus Lived
"By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves]." (John 13:35 AMP)
A lot of people cannot comprehend the words Christ spoke at specific moments, as did the crowd that followed Him from city to city. They do not comprehend these words of His not because He spoke with ambiguity, but rather because they find it hard to understand the dexterity underneath most of His instructions. In fact, the human mind and reasoning cannot decipher a logical explanation for such statements; but thank God we are not mere humans, but children of God; not of the world, but of the Spirit: and as Paul said 'they (the words) are spiritually discerned'(1 Corinthians 2:14). So, in Him, we do understand.
For instance, Jesus said 'Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who despitefully use you'(Luke 6:28). Note, Jesus didn't concern Himself to encourage them to pray for those who blessed them, because He knew it was man's nature to return favour for favour, and evil for evil; rather He chose to remind us to pray for those we count as evil- somewhat like a generalized way of saying pray for all men.
To most men, it's illogical for a man to wish his enemy well, to pray for them; but that was what Christ preached, and Paul reiterated when he said..''Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good''. The King of Israel called such an act outrageous when the same was demanded of him by Elisha for the Syrian host. Though he called it obscene, but it surely wasn't stupid; seeing that it secured their rest for a season. Nothing outweighs a loving attitude; for it's only through love evil would be exposed, and by this exposure be easily eradicated.
So here it is, no matter how much men may offend you, never fail one day to love them like Jesus, for love in itself is a search-light which reveals to the dark heart how much light it's been missing; and one way you can show this is to pray for those whom we think don't deserve it. If we must be like Jesus, we must act like Him whom even when soaked in His own blood still prayed ...'Forgive them for they know not what they do'(Luke 23:34). What was the result? By that prayer we received great grace to become more like Him; and He expects the same of us. And knowing now what we must, and should do, live your life every day doing it!


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