Living For Purpose

- Living For Purpose
"You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you".
(John 15:16 AMP)

One of the most popular phrases we might have heard, perhaps from our favourite movies or the episodes our life depicts on a daily basis, is the question..''What do you live for?''. Someone once mused that he loves living; but as much as that is great, what's greater is knowing what you live for, and living for that exact reason.
While addressing Timothy in his concerted letter, Paul said '..saved, and called....not according to our works, but according to His purpose and grace...' (2 Timothy 1:9). Note, the word 'work' in that verse can be likened to feelings, emotions, personal efforts and ideas, or rather instincts in this context: and so he was saying that as Christians, we do not live by what we think as men, nor by how we feel at a particular time, nor by a mistake in the cosmic order, but according to all God says....according to His purpose.
In other words, we are owned. We are not without a maker; and so are definitely not without a destiny. We are instruments to fulfill a specific task designed specially for us. And it's something we must indulge ourselves in to get the best of our true potentials. This way our earth journey becomes fully an enjoyable everyday walk with God.
Notice, even after decades of Paul's conversion, he never stopped enquiring of God on what to do- whether or not to sail to Asia, whether or not to preach to the awaiting Macedonians. And in the same way also was the man David; assenting to the point that man cannot live without God, for while God might have revealed to you your future as He did with David, you still need Him to get there. He may have shown you the Promised Land, but you need Him to lead you there.
That is to say, the purpose is clear, but the process to accomplish that purpose is dependent on how much you depend on-and stick to-Him. You know the destination, but He owns the map.
Sometimes we ponder why we pray; but believe me one reason why we do is because we have realized our self-insufficiency, and our God-sufficiency (If you haven't yet, you should). We do, because we know Someone-out-there knows us better than we do ourselves. We know God created our lives and knows the very schematic of it. We know we can't just imagine the process to reach our destiny (and the purpose of our existence), and so are bent on asking for directives in order to walk it.
And by this, we begin to ask, and as we ask we begin to know, and as we know we begin to become like Him...more like all He expects us to be...more like all we must become.
And this can't be done by instincts- perhaps we do algebra or bioscience with instinct, or even gain market shares by it, but this can't be; rather to do this, that is to accomplish His purpose, we must first come to terms with the truth that we live for purpose- His purpose, and so must stay in walk with Him continuously until He works out of us this desired purpose of His.
Wouldn't it be nice to have your story start and end with the evidence that you believed in God like Damaris, and made a great life from it? If you want that, then give yourself to this wisdom. Don't wait to regret; learn from those who made lasting impacts through it, and do the same. Remember, experience isn't always the best teacher. It leaves no room for corrections. So please learn from wisdom and observation, and pursue that which is your actual duty in God for life.
Wait on Him, ask Him, but make sure you are walking in the path He says is yours.
Conclusively, know this: we live for purpose, and not just in the direction of how we feel: and so we must live in His will first before ours'. And I hope we get there soon!


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