Judged To Live

- Judged To Live
"And when I passed by you and saw you rolling about in your blood, I said to you in your blood, Live! Yes, I said to you still in your natal blood, Live!" (Ezekiel 16:6 AMP)
A man's action isn't measured by what he did, but by what he could have done and didn't do. By juxtaposing what was done with what could have been done and wasn't, the true value of his work is revealed. In the same way, the level of love is measured not by what was shown, but what could have been shown and wasn't. However, as for Jesus, we know that He acted in all the colours of love- no shade left unexplored; for the Bible He loved us His disciples to the end (John 13:1).
But what did He really do for us?
In scriptures, Isaiah prophesied of the coming Messiah 'who shall show judgment to the Gentiles' (see Matthew 12:18). As you keep pondering about this, you would realize that if God was to judge the Gentiles in their undone state, hell would have its field-day; meaning that the Messiah was not coming to judge them to death, but to give them...to give us another sort of judgment....one I call the judgment of life.
He saw as Himself the wretchedness of the Gentiles, and of the soon to be Africans, Americans, Europeans, Asians and other state members, taking up this vile state of ours that deserved nothing better than death; that what? That we may become more of Him, having Him within and around us.
Thus, Christ judged us to live; and to me there is no greater love than that. It surpasses what any juror has ever done in the name of mercy; or what any burglar has ever chosen not to do to his victims in the name of morality. It was pure love; and now I can boldly say that I was judged-you were judged, but not unto death, but rather you and I were judged to live; having this testimony as declared by the prophet that ''in His name shall the Gentiles trust''(v. 21), which comprises again of us the Africans, the Americans, the Europeans, the Asians and the Oceanians.
So, God doesn't want to see you perishing. His plan is to have you saved (1 Timothy 2:4). That's what He died and resurrected for. He plans to see you jump out of that sickness. My dear He has judged you to live, not to wallow. He has you to thrive, not to merely strive. All you have to do is trust and believe Him that it's true. Remember, whatever we believe, we begin to become. So, believe Him, and more appreciate Him, for He saw us in our sin smeared pool of blood and judged us to live and not die.
And surely I believe in such trust, for it's never futile. Tell me whom else is worthy of such degree of trust from all corners of the world than Him who judged us deem to take up His nature even when we never truly deserved it. And tell me what greater love is there, and what greater judgment can there be. Rejoice my friend, you have been judged to live!


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