Hands Made Useful

-Hands Made Useful
"Then the LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it". (Genesis 2:15)
It is an appalling feat how this present world has lazily decided to sit back and do nothing, and yet still expect their desires to rain upon them. That may appear religious, but it's definitely not God's way of effecting results. It may seem funny, but it's true. Many have turned waiting on God into an excuse to remain entirely  passive in life, but it isn't suppose to.
It sort of like tickle the minds of individuals to think up unimaginable things they don't deserve, and upon this are not even willing to work for, to expecting it to just drop and add up to their list of possessions; and furthermore they even justify their thoughts with that innocent word 'Grace' that so many now abuse.
To their ignorance, they count this as having faith. Faith does not despise work. In fact, faith is proven by works (James 2:22). Both work together; because action is meant to tag along with our faith. And so if you believe God will do something great through what He has given you, you would go ahead and use it effectively.
Remember, like the Zarephath widow, the oil will never overflow unless you pour in that which you have already. In the same way, work is also important to see the reality you desire.
Though Man was created to live, and to live well, however work is something we have to do in life. This is necessary because until our hands go down, the harvests may not come up. You must take responsibility for things to respond to your ability as they must- and working effectively towards the future that can be ours is one way we do that.
"What about grace?" we may say. "What do we get from it?"
Well, grace has its place. And so does work. Note, grace is maximized in wisdom, and wisdom is doing what you know you must do, when it must be done, and how it must be done. So, in short, the act of doing must be emphasized in our lives, because it brings into full effect that grace that has been made available to us.
First things first, the only reason why in spite of the believer having this mortal life alongside the nonbeliever, he is still blessed with an additional expected immortal life received upon salvation is as a result of this grace bestowed upon all men by God to be fully expressed; but to receive that which your soul longs for as a human on this earth, the word 'WORK' must also be introduced.
Grace may be the rain, the sunlight, and the perfect soil condition that assures you of a harvest, but unless you till that ground and plant that seed, all you will be getting are weeds- that is, a life lower than your natural capacity deserves. So, work is paramount in the making of men.
Let's take an example to prove this from scripture:
For instance, God called Nehemiah from the palace where he served his captors, laying the burden upon his heart to accomplish a specific task, giving him all the grace he would need to achieve that (see Nehemiah 2:18), yet by understanding wisdom Nehemiah knew he had his own part to play. And guess what? He got the task accomplished; and this was based on the fact that right from the onset he and...'the people had a mind to work' (Nehemiah 4:6).
So guess what as well: If you're not working, you're not getting. Little wonder why God said 'I will bless the work of thy hand', and Paul simplifying it said..he that does not work should not eat.
Note, work in context can be so ambiguous, as it spans from training the muscle fibers as an athlete, to training the mind as a counselor. It could be a thought or it could be tangible. It could be taking baby steps to acquire the skills you need, or submitting the proposal you desire to be contracted for; but as far as it is something that gets you an inch closer everyday to where God wants you, it's something worthwhile.
Without this, there is truly nothing to bless, nor anything to hope for. This is important because only efforts can lead to results. Regardless of how small or insignificant, doing is very much necessary in the process of getting.
In the mean time, make your hands useful; be it the physical hands to labour, or the mental hands to create, or the hands of the heart to extend compassion. Keep writing those books or songs, keep practicing those throws, keep teaching people how to grow. Keep doing whatever you're doing right now that you know is important to get to where you know you're heading to. In any way you can, add a step to your previous steps, for things would only come when the hands and mind are wide open....to work something out!


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