Great Men Are Made Not Born

- Great Men Are Made Not Born
The story is said of a group of individuals who took a trip to a deserted town, and on meeting the hoary comptroller of the town, they sought to inquire how many great men were born there, and the old man replied saying 'None, only babies'.
Note, he didn't say no individual from that town was great, but clearly stated simple biology that men aren't born, only babies are. This statement, I believe, can address the wrong mentality of many who feel the other guy is better because he was born to be better, because it's a wrong ideology.
Though it's true that every baby born might have different gifts and virtues, but it's also true that every gift found in babies no matter how minute is enough to make him great if he so one cheated.
Little wonder why God saw all He created and commented 'very good', because He had looked at those before time, those at the present, and those beyond the present and saw that nothing created was at a disadvantage.
So believe God, you are very much useful. Jesus Himself was from a land where the most popular thing about it was the population size of its Nobodies, but Jesus isn't a Nobody. He is our King; and that shows that those inhabitants who remained as nobodies could as well be kings, but unconsciously chose to remain as they were; dying as non-impactful as they decided to remain.
Thus, never for once believe again that you are not so important, perhaps because of your poor background, for God came personally to show us that such a factor isn't so much of a barrier in Christ; rather learn to believe that you can be all that God says you are; for if Jesus declared that we are to do more than He did here on earth, then it should give you a picture of how so great things we ought to do. We are destined to affect lives in greater ways as He did, transcending into more of God as He is- for it's definite that all men will always be born babies, but to be great, it lies on our choices; for while all men are victims of their choices, great men are evidences of overwhelmingly right choices.
And so great men are made and not born as that old fellow reiterated.
Hence, what are you choosing today? To make greatness or to remain as you were born?

(Excerpt from A Man For The Moment. To be released in 2020. Other books like When God's Time Starts To Seem Not Like The Best, and The Blessedness of Prayer are also still available on Amazon)


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