Can You Be Trusted?

- Can You Be Trusted?
"I gave my brother Hanani, with Hananiah the ruler of the castle, charge over Jerusalem, for Hananiah was a more faithful and God-fearing man than many." (Nehemiah 7:2 AMP)
If the entire world depended on it, could you be trusted?
Before you answer with great enthusiasm and self-belief as Peter did, when he told Jesus he could never deny Him, I want you to know that this is not meant to judge you but to help you become more of whom God expects us to be.
Alright then, let's start with this:

One virtue that is beginning to become extinct on earth is trustworthiness. Even Jesus said that on that day family shall betray each other, not to even talk of friends; but the most astonishing part is that these set of people who are not trustworthy are not so because they got possessed by a demon, but because they got over-possessed by the ambition of self so badly that they forget its them and others on earth, and not just them alone.
The question is, in the eyes of those ones who trust you with all they are - both God and man, how trustworthy are you, or rather have you been?
In one of the stories laid down in the book of Jeremiah, Chapter 40 to be precise, we see a concise definition of what not being trustworthy truly is. It's about a man who was raised from nothing to become the governor of the besieged city of Judah, and at the celebration of this privilege to serve, had his acquaintances invited. But in the steam of his glory, betrayal arose from the heart of one Ishmael; and though Gedaliah the governor was informed of this ulterior intention of his, but he would not believe such could be conceived by Ishmael (v. 16), because as he would have thought, that was not the Ishmael he knew.
The fact is that Ishmael still betrayed him, even if he was once never like that.
The same thing occurs with us. Men may have surrendered their secrets, and their lives, unto us because they once knew us to be trusted individuals; even God granted us privileges because He believes He could trust us. But forget about 'Once', what about now?
How is your ability to be trusted, and at what level is it now? Has it waned and so has been thrusted out of the window of your life, or has it been  kept intact in you?
One of the greatest and fastest ways to win the world and God is the ability to be trusted; for even the most conniving man needs someone to trust. Likewise the most truthful; and once you can be there...available, there is no limit to what you can explore. Remember God trusted Abraham, and he fathered nations; He trusts Jesus, and He remains Lord of all. Can God trust you? Can men trust you? That's a very important question you need to answer today in order to fully assess how far you can go in life.
Thus, this is me asking you one more time, How trustworthy are you?


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