Am I The Judge?

Am I The Judge?
"DO NOT judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves". (Matthew 7:7)
Have you ever seen a family scenario where one of the 'tykes' did something appalling, and instead of correcting him, every single one of the unit fumes up in vexation, and cancels the little one out of every one of their minds? Have you ever seen that? Well, the truth is that if that child doesn't have someone to put him back on track, how do you think that child would end up? Distraught, I guess.
Well, the same thing applies to our everyday life as Christians and as people in general. Let me show you:
As Christians:
One day Jesus was walking through the corn field with His disciples who plucked off the corn which they ate while on through the field they walked. The Pharisees saw them commit this felonious act according to the law since it was the sabbath, but instead of calling them discreetly to teach them the right thing to do, they hurriedly ran to God (personified in Christ) to quickly condemn them in the name of maintaining sanity. Does that remind you of someone? Let me guess: you, right?
So also in the same way, a lot of us are just like that; we see someone do something wrong, but instead of calmly turning them back to the light, we push them out by condemning them as we would do aliens. We focus on the problem rather than the person; forgetting that the aim isn't to criticize them but to correct their behavior.
I believe the major problem Jesus had with the Pharisees was that they were quick to judge and slow to save, which many have taken up today. But Jesus has given us a new life pattern, as He even at the sight of  man's tremendous sins still chose to save before judgment.
And in case you still don't know how it relates to the opening statement, imagine the condemned fellow (assumed as out of the light) you have chosen to relentlessly scorn ends up falling out of light into the dark, in which if he remains unturned he might be on a charter to desolation. With this understanding possibly lighting up the solar plexus of your soul right now, next time you try to report someone of the same family (God's family) to God, always try first of all to save him; for wherever anything bitter springs up, something is always lost. Thus, as a child of God, save before you judge!
As People:
Now as it relates to our personality as persons. It is a very easy act in this modern age to shove him away who seems boring and poor, but remember that nothing ever remains the same forever except God. That is, we were once sinners, but now saints; we were once one of those who waste, now we conserve; we were once brutes, now literates; meaning we didn't remain static, but grew dynamically to become better everyday than our previous estate.
So while we may live our lives believing that those below our standard of life are not worth our while, or those who do not wear as much brands as we do, or share the same opinions as we do, or hold on to the same thesis and belief as we do are not qualified enough to share our time, remember that change is as constant as a leap year february calendar, and is easily acquired by any.
And also remember that as we became better, they could also become much more..far off better. Hence, never relegate a fellow because you think he is not worth your time at the present as a result of what you conceived about him, for in this world, it is a regular phenomenon to see those we drop in the trash of life go deep down into the earth in shame, only to become the treasures we would seek to dig up into our lives in the years to come.
So, don't judge anyone; and more so, don't assume anything. Assuming is the worst thing you can do in your evaluation of people. Like someone once said, if we're not careful, assuming will eventually make an ass of u and me. So, don't judge anyone, but if you must, judge them as God does- as fearfully and wonderfully made, and worth all the time in the world. Not only will this make you see them in a better perspective, it will also bring out the best of every encounter you find yourself in with that person.
Thus, never again segregate, but rather aggregate yourself in love with all men....testing all, but at least loving them for whom they are, and whom you believe they can be!


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