Your Position: A Key

Your Position: A key
"The Lord said to Abram after Lot had left him, Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever" (Genesis 13:14-15 AMP)
No matter how much I'd love the idea of living in the West, working in the West, growing old in the West, the moment I find myself stuck in the North or East, my aspiration takes a shot on its 'legs' of realism. At least that's what I'd think at that moment, because in my mind all I can ever be can only begin from there.
And so, it is true to say that your position is a labyrinth to your reality. By its impact in the lives of men, it shapes our today, and perfects our tomorrow. It determines our allocation in life; for if we miss our place, we would only be misplaced in the array of glorious realities.
For instance, if Jacob had missed out on the two immemorial events of his life - Peniel and Bethel, he could have still be rich perhaps, even famous, unexpendable, a polygamist; but it is so sure that if he had missed them, he would not have been all that he is now before God and men.
The nation Israel was born in Peniel, and his vision of heaven, and personal God-worship was established in Bethel. So, inarguably these places were pivotal in the man. Jacob would later become.
In the same vein, there are some people we must meet with to become what we must be at each moment of our lives, and some we must miss to avoid being what we never must be.
Your position in a society is a symbol of where you stand before men, and what you represent; your position in God is a symbol of whom you are in Him, while your position before God is a compass that shows you whether or not your feet are stepping on where He wants you to be.
Many a person have left God's chosen position for them in pursuit of a life that only seems splendid in their lust gritted minds. At all cost, don't be a part of them. God has a place for you per time; and being there when He wants you to is the only way to reach the fullness of the life He's prepared for you.
Note, this world is full of a multi-faceted myriad of doors, and every door requires a key, and believe me, your position at any given time stands as a key for that time. So, what must you do? Stay where He has you momentarily, for in due time from that same ground-not any other- shall He bring all the world to your feet.
"And the little boy grew and became strong in spirit; and he was in the deserts (wilderness) until the day of his appearing to Israel [the commencement of his public ministry]". (Luke 1:80 AMP)
"Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the [Holy] Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the whole region round about". (Luke 4:14 AMP)


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