The Responsibility To Forgive (2)

- The Responsibility To Forgive (2)
"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."
(Luke 6:36)
Imagine a world full of hate with little or no forgiving, there would be no giving; that is, no giving of love, of helping hands, of nothing.
Now imagine a world without the penumbra of hatred, yet with no forgiving, it would seem nice for a while until its incompleteness surfaces, splashing reality before the faces of men that all there ever was was hate in the disguise of serenity.
Lastly, imagine a world without hate, yet full of forgiveness; in there you would see a world where chances are never devoid until the end; a world where strife and grief would easily be expelled from the minds of men; a world where men would give to foes regardless of 'before'. A world where helping a soul get rid of guilt would feel more like a calling.
If there's anything God did to us through Jesus, it was forgiving us, for with forgiveness comes a saving; and that's what happened- His forgiveness saved us.
Many a times, a whole lot of people get on our nerves; even those we thought would be our buddies for life constantly showing the tendency of playing 'Judas': and then we find ourselves in the dilemma of what to do, whether to call it all off or to save that friendship.
At that point when we seek a salvaging answer, it just pops out from here......'forgiving one another, even as God..has forgiven you' (Ephesian 4:32). The need to forgive is forever paramount because we were forgiven to forgive, and saved to lead others to their personal salvation.
Hence, even when the pain grows with tentacles spread forth, so strong that tolerance dies off, continue with the deed of forgiveness; for in years to come you would realize how much hope your deed gave to those tyke-like persons around you now.
Thus, let's keep forgiving, for transparently that is the fore-giving of hope!


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