Overcoming Depression

- Overcoming Depression
"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day."   (Proverbs 4:18)
A lot of terrible things happen in this terrestrial globe, but by subtly evaluating these conditions, we'd realize that none is worth the cessation of any human life. These many heart breaking occurrences cause many to deflate past their emotional threshold, leading to a state of minimal self-worth: a state termed depression. This is the broken state of the spirit and the captivity of the soul that leaves the body no choice than to live in utter self-deprecation.
With the many cases of suicide and self abuse, I have come to learn that the condition isn't the trigger for the deaths, nor was it the problem; rather the feelings of those involved were. How you choose to feel at every given moment in time is what determines what value you eventually give to your life.
Note the word choose, because no one and nothing can force you to feel anything. Only you can choose what feelings you let in. The conditions may be harsh, but only your own interpretation of it can affect your feelings about it.
The Bible says that when hope is crushed, the heart is crushed (Proverbs 13:12 GNB). And hope is simply what you choose to feel about a situation. It's a choice God's love gives you. Only you can pick what you want to feel regardless of the circumstances surrounding you.
I will give you an illustration. Let's say you want to go to school but don't have to funds to realize that dream, the odds are that you'd feel really bad. Now, let's also imagine a relative called and promised to take care of its financing, all of sudden the light bursts out of your face- as you're filled with joy. But in reality, nothing changed, just your feelings. All you have is a promise not money, and yet you are no longer as repressed as you were before. Why is this? It is because it's not the conditions that determine your feelings, but the choice you make in that condition.
The truth is nothing has to change for you to feel good, just your feelings. In Romans 12:2, we are told to be transformed not by changing the circumstances around us, but by changing our state of mind towards them. And this repressed state of mind only happens when we lose sight of the perfect love of God towards us.
Depression is never an external feud. It's internal. It is you losing the battle of what you believe to what you have let others tell you is real. So, as I said, the primary cause of depression, and eventually suicide, is the decision to (1) believe the devil's verdict for your life over God's, and (2) to believe other people's opinion about your life more than the good you've chosen to believe.
Yes, your partner left you, or you lost your job, and the statistics suggest that you may never fully recover, but that isn't what God says. We live by faith (in God's truth) and not by sight. Sight can only get you as far as you can see- and that is very limited, but faith gets you past what eyes have not seen, ears heard nor the mind imagined of all God has prepared for us all.
Furthermore, I have read my Bible, and it never tells me that the devil wins at the end. God wins; not the devil, and definitely not the people of the world. And that's enough proof that they won't win with us too, so why should I worry myself about what they term my end? Why should you?
Learn from Habakkuk: juxtaposed between what is and what can be, he said that even if nothing prospers around him, he will yet rejoice in God who could bless him in time (Habakkuk 3:17-19). Every feeling and action we indulge is a choice we made. And by choice also, we can beat the depression. Taking your life will never bring an end to the many sorrows you think haunts you. Life is a continuum. It cannot be ended by a cessation of breath. We are simply phased into another dimension of it. There's no oblivion in life. Many people turn to suicide to escape from the harshness of reality, believing the  World beyond to be a place where neither pain nor hurt exist. But how very wrong they are.
Death is never an escape from life; life is the only escape from life. Hence, spread the word out, and imbibe it yourself. Desist from suicidal thoughts and sulking feelings, and find a new cause and purpose for living; and you'll find that the zest to follow through with it will be engraced towards you. God sees life ahead of you; you have to do the same, because you are much more than the conditions have ever made you feel.
"And there is hope in thine end.." (Jeremiah 31:17)


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