Lessons From Job

- Lessons From Job
"For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope." (Romans 15:4 AMP)
The book of Job is a very exciting book to read, not just because it teaches the memoirs of a man with patience, but because it reveals to us things that occur unseen and unknown to men. It shows deep mysteries about the ways of life; and I'll show you the same just about now.
First, we see a man who put all his trust in God lose everything he worked for as if he was one of the wicked ones that God would punish, but despite all this and even in the absence of the knowledge of who was behind it all, at its occurrence, it is recorded that he bowed and worshipped God, refusing to launch the 'why?' question on God (1:20-22). This teaches us that no matter what a man goes through, his reaction towards God would always be based on how he sees and reverence Him, while his reaction towards himself would be based on how he thinks God sees him. And also that while the world may be in a state of anarchy where good people get caught in the crossfire, a good person who loves God will always see the good God has in store for him.
Second, when the Congress held in heaven, satan was present to tender his application to tempt Job to God; in which after he had tempted yet, Job stood tall still in the eyes of God: after this he (the devil) never gave up, he came the second time to tender another application. This teaches us that after each test comes another one, because satan never rests since he seeks individuals and lives to waste; and so to him every test and temptation is a potential means to achieve this goal, while to you it is a means to get a step ahead in the sight of God towards the destiny He has reserved for you.
Lastly, Job never as much as said a word of complaint until his friends arrived. This teaches us that as much as friends can contribute to make us what God desires us to be, they can also mar our journey towards that end.
Although, Job's story also teaches us that life would never stop coming against us, it reveals to us that our reaction to it is what makes the difference; whether through tests, temptations, wrong friends, it's going to put up a fight, but our reaction determines who ends up with his back flat on the ground or his head up at the thrill of conquest.


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