Leading Like Jesus

- Leading Like Jesus
Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and encouraged) by God".                 (2 Corinthians 1:4 AMP)
I once stated that a leader's mind is never on 'me', neither 'us' but always on 'them'. His primary duty is always to make sure that those among the 'them' are safe. A typical shepherd sees his sheep's life as more sacred than his; that is to say that a father values his son's life than his, and would be willing to give an organ for him whenever the call comes.
So also, we must live everyday of our lives as though we were leaders placed by God in our surrounding niche to help as many as possible return to their 'safe' minds where they can find God and hope again. This is because we are. He called us priests- to guide people rightly back to God. We are exactly as Jesus is; and notice what He did:
After three days of dryness and water-deficit throats, Jesus turned to Philip, asking him what the crowd could eat in order to regain the strength needed to return home. Note, Jesus hadn't eaten as well, yet He kept the concern for himself as last place until the sheep were alive again in spirit, soul, and body.
This is not to say that one should zero himself, or that he shouldn't love himself, but that he must reverence the other person's need as much as he does his. Try to interpret the words, ...Love...as thyself.. What it connotes as
simply as it sounds is that as you would not sit and watch yourself die of hunger, so always when you have the means and opportunity do not do the same to another; and also as you would make 'you' get comfort when trouble comes, always be there as well as a source of comfort for others in pain.
Hence, the first step to being the type of leader God expects of you is to be able to love others as much, even much more than you love yourself in words, and in deeds, because as you do that, you do not show God how much of Lincoln you are, or how much of Mandela you are; rather you show him how much of Jesus you have become, and are willing to stay!


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