Come Home

- Come Home!
"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". (Matthew 11:28)
A home is more than a place where a group of people lay their head to sleep every night, and gather at the table by day to meal. A home is more than just a depot for hugs, smiles, and those words we assume make us comfy. It is also more than just blood.
Rather, a home is a feeling; one that brings not only belongingness, but also an aura that strengthens perfection out of our imperfection. A home is more than just where you constantly see parents and siblings; instead it is anywhere you can feel like family. And that's why God's Person is and will always be a home for all.
Little wonder why the Psalmist confessed '...the righteous run into....and are safe'. In God's presence, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17) procure virtues that seemed non-existent within you.... to unleash the potential that men's myopism blind them from visualizing, and joy (Psalm 16:11) heal the hurting when the marriage appears broken; and to mend the cracks the feuds of our natural home may bring.
A lot of times, it may appear as though some group of people are homeless, at least that's why ethical individuals created orphanages and asylums, but beyond our widest human scope of view, these set of people still have a home. This is true because the home is not in a place, it is first in the heart. But it's not about them having a home unseen to men, it's about them realizing and accepting that they have one.
In the same vein, it's about you realizing you have a home to abide in when the worldly storms quake your natural niche and comfort zone; and the greatest part about all this is that He is One 'home' you can always meet the same way you left it- Immutable and full of love.
God is ever eager to see you return to His arms. It doesn't matter how far away you have gone, He wants you back. This is because His uttermost desire in a lifetime is to see you safe, sound, and secure. But He can't force, only you can. Look at your life moment and tell yourself you can survive without Him, and even the smirk on your face will assure you that you just lied. We all need Him. You do as well as I. All that is left now is to return.
Hence, return home thou dearest!


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