Seeing From Within

- Seeing From Within
When answers to our desires begin to seem far-fetched, we turn unto signs, seeking just any confirmation that God has answered. Yet guess what, here's all the confirmation you need....'While you are yet speaking, I will hear' (Isaiah 65:24). That's enough if you are someone who believes God for whom He says He is. Remember, His Spirit gives us witness, and that's enough guarantee.
Eliezer, on narrating the success of his sojourn to the house of Bethuel in an attempt to take Rebekah as wife for his master's son, said 'And before I had done speaking in my heart, behold Rebekah came forth....' (Genesis 24:45); and in the same way, every time we seek of God according to His will, He answers; though sometimes we may not be aware until it becomes manifested in tangible form, yet it doesn't change the fact that He has answered.
God wants you to believe Him even when there's no substantiation to your desire. He wants to teach you to trust Him even when all you have is just a word from Him. He wants to train us to that point where our trust in Him is enough sign to keep us going. He wants us to trust Him overboard. In Psalm 112:1, He says that all who fear God and trust in Him are blessed beyond expression (TLB). Every answer we need is right there in our hearts- for Christ in us is our hope of glory; and trusting Him is making ourselves worthy to access it.
Hence, regardless of the ordeal before you, let me tell you this: trust Him yet; for He's already changing that ordeal to a cradle of joy. You may not see it yet, but if you look deep within your spirit, you'd know it's true. See it as He said, and that will be all that matters. He said to Abraham "all the land that you see, have I given as an inheritance unto you" (Genesis 13:15); Abraham believed and thus received, and you are no different from him.
Therefore, again, I say to you, Only believe!


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