Freely We Received, Freely Give

- Freely We Received, Freely Give
In life, there are times when our giving to others shouldn't carry the ultimatum of receiving back from them, or any other. At this point, your action of giving stops being a duty, nor an investment, but an expression of the love borne within you of God.
For instance, Barzillai found himself in the position of lending a hand to the king. But while many of us would see that as an opportunity to receive greater things thereafter, he saw it as a medium to save a soul greatly in need of help (2 Sam. 19:37). A medium to simply fulfill God's will.  And even when he was pressed to receive a reward, he would recommend an off-scene personality instead.
And so it suffices me to ask this question; How many of us can really put the letter O(others) before M(me) in our personal alphabetics? How. many would choose others' restoration before their amassing of gain? A lot of us won't sow a seed except we are assured of a harvest for our taking. But you see in Christ, it's never about the harvest first, but the creation of life. So, let me ask you a question- be you a clergy, an activist, or a simple career person: Would you still do all you do if it would give you no fame or wealth, but bring the respite the situation needs? Would you? That's a question Jesus answered. Mother Teresa answered it. Martin Luther King answered it. Every single person who lived a selfless life for the good of mankind did as well. This is true because you haven't truly given if your hands were only opened so as to receive as well. Until we have let how to give for the sake of love and not accruals, then we still don't know how God gave.
Scripture says 'God gave that they who believe might receive'(John 3:16). So in other words, God was giving to give more and more, and He expects us to be just as He is, and also to act as He acts; which is, to help even when there is no help for us in return, to give even when there is no gift for us, and to express His nature even when the nature around us is nothing to right home about.
Thus, have you started living Christ to those around you? If yes, check again, because in Christ there can be no living without giving!


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