Words Do Matter

- Words Do Matter
I remember the sage wrote a verse in scripture, saying something along the line that 'kind words are medicine to the soul'(Proverbs 16:24). And they really are. For instance, have you ever had a bad day....a day so bad that it drives away your appetite for anything other than anger and fury? And even when your funny mates come around with his/her comic nature, it's only a grin without a smile you can squeeze out of yourself? Huh... I guess we all have.
But even in this condition, when a passing-by fellow compliments you on an area nobody ever had done before, it feels like the whole volcano of fury erupted out to emptiness, causing you to feel so free and susceptible to joy and laughter once again. True or not? But guess what, nothing changed- just your feelings, because in the same way our thoughts and actions are affected by our environmental influences, they are also by verbal influences. And so like the sun out of the dark, kind words bring dawn quickly into our lives. So, the same way you felt when you experienced that is the same way you could make someone feel if you'd be a little less stingy with your kindness.
Jesus was never short of good works. Even when He knew Peter would deny Him with his eyes wide open, He never ceased to see more of the good in him than his already expressed flaws. First, He called him as well as the others 'fishers of men', then He called him the 'rock', and also the 'feeder of the sheep' (John 21:16). Unknown to many, those words of Christ were mending the broken pieces of Peter that inferiority and fear had created, which eventually created a major apostle out of him by the Holy Spirit. So also can your words make out of that world acclaimed nobody around you an individual to reckon with, if only like Jesus you would let the words out to work His work in their lives.
Hence, it's a greater investment to transform lives with something so free yet expensive like words than building corporations; for like a seed, words do not perish even if world wars wipe off the whole earth, for both in heaven and the earth, a constant witness to all affairs is the word, because in the beginning the word was. It is eternal and ever powerful.  So start creating something unique out of the individuals you have living in that little world of yours!


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