Walking In Supernatural Wisdom

The kind of man mostly appreciated by the world's populace is the eloquent one bathed with human wisdom, but before God it is the one who walks according to His wisdom- for that which is from above is above all. Wisdom, in all its ramifications, is profitable and a beauty to possess. Scriptures says that by it kings reign (Proverbs 8:16). It places signets of royalty on paupers, and gives positions of nobles to street rats. Inevitably, wisdom elevates. But inspite of all this, God has categorized wisdom into several forms.
First, there is that which is sensual: This is that sort which has everything in it except God. It's intellect dependent and intellectually centered. It solves problems, bring solutions, help the hapless, yet still doesn't have God in its orifice; and a typology of this is found in the rich fool. His wisdom got him all any man could ever wish for, but it couldn't bring him what a man really needed, which is God who gives every good and perfect gift (see Luke 12:16-21, James 1:17). This is that sensual wisdom James wrote of (3:14-16), and because it has not God, it harbours every other thing that is an opposition of God within its fangs.
Nevertheless, there is another, one He refers to as Godly wisdom, that which Christ possessed. Not only does this bring solutions, but it also carries God as a hallmark, spurring out of its bearer the peaceable fruits of the nature of God. This is the spiritual force that helps us to attain quick understanding even by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:1-3). And by the virtue of redemption, it is accessible by every single Redeemed child of God who is interested.
Now, it is God's desire that we cling to the second, because only in that does the reality of Himself become more real to us. God is interested in your life after earth and while you're still in it more than you think. He wants you to live in actual paradise even after spending time in what you think is paradise. He says eyes have not seen the coming glory; for the glory of the latter days must exceed the former. He wants us to walk in His wisdom, and not in our mortal senses that exhume ideologies that defy His presence. He knows the end of the sensually wise (Isaiah 5:21), and that's why He's calling you to true wisdom.
Remember, you have the mind of Christ who is the wisdom and power of God. However, possessing a thing is different from walking in it. So, let me ask you this question: Will you accept His invitation? Will you choose to engage the power of the Spirit of Christ until you begin to walk in supernatural wisdom? Wisdom brought kings to the feet of Solomon; how much more you who now dwells in the covenant of the Godhead bodily in Christ Jesus. You have the unction in you who grants you access to a world of limitless possibilities and infinite knowledge. Nonetheless how that works out in your everyday life is a product of your choice today. Hence, what would you do? That's up to you. But no matter what, keep walking in the wisdom of Christ- for we have the mind of Christ. Make the best out of that!


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