Value This Moment With Utmost Focus

- Value This Moment With Utmost Focus
The major misdeed of man always will be forgetfulness; not because they don't have a picture of what must be done, but that at that moment, they lost it. Oftentimes, we lose it at the most crucial moments of our lives. A boxer in the ring could afford to lose at the 1st round, at least that shows he isn't worth the fight, but if he does at the 11th when he is so close to a tie-break, then it stops being about his non-worthiness, but his inability to really value the opportunity he obtained. The aim is always to stay in the fight and to stay in race, because we never truly know what happen. But come what may, the man who quits gets no reward.
When God would send Moses on his exodus journey, one commandment would remain stuck in Moses' head from the lips of God, which is 'Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left' (Deuteronomy 5:32). God didn't bother telling him not to turn backward, because most times backward movements or backsliding are easily self perceived, but God made sure He warned him against distractions- which most times we never see as such. Those enticing routes and looks side by side with us that tend to take us away from God's purpose- that was what God really warned him about. The divided attention that keeps one eye up and the other down, eventually causing us to gas out with unintended dizziness- that's what He warned against. Those things that trigger our wrath or our excessive fantasies such that for the moment we forget God is right before us- as we see when Peter cut Malchus' ear in a moment, God says, from such, desist and overcome.
One thing that is sure is that at our reunion with God, He told us something; now the question is, are we still on the path of what He told us? Are we still in par with those instructions? Note, distractions drain your momentum, blurs your visions, and keeps you unfocused such that when time and chance pass our way, we end up losing it all. And my dear, God wants you winning not losing.
Hence, I implore you, regardless of the frailties and frivolous occurrences around you, stay focused on Him and His will, turning never to the left nor right, for on those paths are only distractions able to take from you in a moment what God invested in you to manifest in your moment.
Remember His words, "my son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not" (Proverbs 1:10). Thus, value every moment with God; and this you can do by staying fixed on Him and His matters with utmost focus.
Be the God-kind of person.


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