Trust Your Way To Supernatural Possibilities

- Trust Your Way To Supernatural Possibilities
Have there ever been times when your present condition and your expected goal don't collate well, and you just succumb to the thought that may be you weren't just created to be that great? A lot of us have. And such experiences I have come to believe so much that our greatest opposition in life is nature. Let me explain: Nature only supports the natural things; such as how the poor kid got to remain poor by simple permutation. And that's why Nathaniel asked if any good thing could come out of Nazareth; because it was natural for nothing better than casuals and carpenters to proceed out of that little town.
But guess what? God is highly involved in the supernatural; and it is the supernatural that tells the poor that now you are rich; that tells the barren that now you can bear; that tells the lonely that now you got company; that tells the sick that now you are whole; that tells you that now your goals are achievable. It doesn't matter what conditions appear to look like, God said through Moses to the Jews then, and the Jews now (you and I) paraphrased, when the impossibilities are more than the chances of possibility, trust in this, that the same God who toyed with mighty Egypt to free Israel in an impossible manner can do yours (Deuteronomy 7:17-18).
So, once again, I encourage you never to be afraid even when you have legit reasons to be, rather put that legitimacy into trusting God; for in trusting God, we accept and accredit the happening of the supernatural in our lives, but in giving in to fear, we accept what nature dictates. Remember, they that trust in the Lord shall be firm like mount Zion- the mountain exalted forever (Psalm 125:1). Believe me, you won't be disappointed; for it is never a risk to place faith in God, it is ever a victory.
Thus, rather than choose to keep living in natural impossibilities, relish God's supernatural possibilities; and this you do simply by trusting Him!


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