There Is Life In Every Word

- There Is Life In Every Word
There is a saying that Silence is gold; yet I really do not believe that it means your not saying anything, but your not saying the irrelevancies- the abrupt and unnecessary things. Most times, our description of a fool is a talkative, one who says beyond what must be said, and that's true because while the wise listen, and think before speaking, the fool speaks before listening and thinking. He's like a truck who causes a car-crash before hitting its red lights.
People are tired of listening to speeches, they want words. Jesus never spoke words unneeded at the moment by man; infact every word He spoke in scripture touched lives, and still does - Now, that's wise.
Today, it is expedient we learn to use our words aright... in ways needed, and not just in ways wanted by us. Infact, I believe our orientation would change if only we knew that words are expensive. If you had only a thousand words to speak before death, would you spend it all on gossip and spites? I guess not. If words were our currency, would you run into debt all for irrelevant talks? If our years ran in proportion with our words spoken, would you give up your youthful age just because you can't do without blabbing a thousand words per day?
Words truly are gold, and must be handled delicately for our own good. If only we knew that though words are a gift from God to man that no other living thing possess, we would relish its beauty in serenity and only on relevance. Even if you must speak a thousand, let it be words of impartation. Remember, the power of life and death is in the tongue. No man affirms his verdict until he speaks. As Jesus said by our wwords we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned (Matthew 12:37).
The wise king wrote that 'even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise' (Proverbs 17:28). That's to say that the dullest person who speaks only relevant things is more useful to God, and appreciated by men than one who, though smart, lives on a myriad of irrelevant talks.
Thus, I implore you to use the moments you spend wasting words wrongfully to learn more of God; for sincerely we were all created for a reason, and it is only in acting in line with our reason for creation that we experience into reality what we call destiny. Note again, the best wasted words and non-directional speeches can do is what men call false motivation, but really has no true value (Romans 16:18), but the least relevant words can do is an impartation, talkless of its best. So, just like Jesus, learn to pick your words aright, and when you do use them well enough to touch lives. "For the words that I speak are spirit and they are life".


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