The Responsibility Of Purpose

Most times we live life believing the other person should do what we ought to do; and so as a result, we quickly squirm when so much is required of us, and without hesitation pile it up for the other guy to do. We become so self-absorbed that we think responsibility belongs to everyone else but us. However, the simple truth is, you were created with purpose to fulfill specific moments in the grand plan of God. So, this means that everyone even you is born with a responsibility from God to fulfill His Dominion plan on the earth.
Mordecai, when speaking to Esther said ''you might believe the present threat cannot affect you, but know this, if you fail in your responsibility as a solution-maker, God will set up someone to accomplish the job, but as for you and all you stand for, it would be as though you have no more essence, and perhaps you might be shocked to realize later that this was the purpose of being at this place at this particular time'' (Esther 4:13-14, paraphrased). Whenever we fail in purpose as God designed it to be, we lose our essence bit by bit. A lot of people wonder why only a few out of the many on earth live having so much essence, one basic reason for that is the fact that many of us live out of purpose, because your purpose is what makes your essence; and so without living in purpose we can't actualize our essence in life- and when i say essence, I don't mean money, but that elixir that wraps you all around when you live a fulfilled life.
At this point, you might ask, what can I do? How can I help myself? First, you must realize and appreciate that God in you is enough to see you through your God given purpose; and this has He kept as a watchword for us......a consolation, that it is impossible for Him to lie (Hebrews 6:18), and so if He says you are made for signs and wonders, believe Him because He who has said it is faithful even in fulfillment of the same (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Only know your place in life by asking through prayer, receiving it in your mind, believing it with your heart, accepting it and its responsibilities, and work continually towards its achievement; for fulfilling purpose is like a master chess game - one shot can win it all.


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