I Am Greatness Personified

- I Am Greatness Personified
One of the greatest virtue you can be assured of as a christian is that you carry something great within you. There is a saying that there is an element of greatness in every man, well, that is very true for the man who has Jesus in his life. For the scripture tells us that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Not only are you made wonderfully with an intact mental acuity and physical charisma, but above that you have within yourself a well of awesome virtues springing forth greatness laid in the Person of Christ.
John the beloved, in his record of the Lord's days on earth, wrote down a word which Jesus spoke without any intent to produce doubt in the hearers and readers. He said '...I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you' (John 14:20). So in simple words, Jesus used the picture of Him and the Father unity to depict how close He is to you and I. In fact, way close; so close that He is on your inside. 'In you...in Me' simply connotes we carry Jesus, and are also carried by Him.
Isn't that wonderful? It is to me.
This then means that we are not only shielded by Him from eternal damnation and the fiery push of earth temptations, but on the inside we have Him in us, and that's enough to win all battles we may have to encounter in life (Romans 8:37). The Bible says that if every nation surround us, we fear nothing because He is on our side (Psalm 118:6). It also that by virtue of our baptism into Him, we are far above all powers that be (Ephesians 1:22)- for where He is, there we shall be also.
Today, I want you walking in that esteem and confidence that you have Someone great in you working out something great out of-and for-you; and this is the assurance we have, that whatever we ask in His name, He answers (1 John 5:14). We know He is the word, and by Him all things that be were made; now if the creator of all creativity and creation abides in you, then what do you suppose that makes you? Think about it carefully, and I hope the resultant answer excites you as it does me. So, this is the truth of the whole matter: you have greatness on the inside as long as He dwells in you: never forget that.
Hence, tell your family, friends, and foes that greatness lies within, and in a while they shall see it manifesting; for Jesus in you is your hope of glory! Don't be ashamed to say it; for whatever you are ashamed of, you are not worthy to be endowed with. So, rather get excited and keep declaring; for it is the Biblical truth, and it is the only truth I know


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