He Will Remember!

- He Will Remember!
Being overwhelmed by problems and sorrows of the heart often times can be a job much more harder than most menial ones. Nobody likes it, because it brings torment. Israel had known torment. They had been in captivity for 430 years in Egypt, now they were serving an additional 70 on Babylonian soil. The torment was so grievous that most of them were losing their identity in order to bear babylonian nomenclatures; but at the 11th hour of this phase of their lives, God remembered them. I want you to note that. God remembered them even under the reign of an heathen king. He didn't just remember them, He went further to favor them. Learn something from that....learn this, that God's favour and restoration is far above a function of environment; for if Daniel's promotion could come in the den with filthy lions, Joseph's in prison, and Jacob on a open field, then it is distinct that God knows no borders in uplifting an individual.
Back to you; you might be in torment right now, perhaps from your new job, the project at school, your relationship with family and friends or what have you....so grievous that you are starting to lose your identity in Christ, and if not rescued on time, might end up in a worse state than you were before you met God; yet if you're willingly ready not to return to that path, God will remember you. I may not be the poet of hope like Jeremiah, but i'm very much assured of your remembrance by God just as He was of Israel, because scriptures cannot be broken, and God said through the wise king that whoever puts their trust in Him is safe (Proverbs 29:25).
Thus, start learning to say goodbye to torment in every language you can, because indeed God is causing you to bid it a forever goodbye, such that as the children of Israel, you shall suddenly appear as such that just dreamt (Psalm 126:1). That's the new realm God is taking you- one of favor and all round rest. It is His plan, His will, His expectation for you; and He desires that you set your mind on it.
Hence, stay trusting in God. Trust His word. Trust His affirmation in the place of prayer. Let your heart be at peace, for He surely shall answer!


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