God is on Your Side

- God Is On Your Side
Almost everyday of our lives, the challenges we face come using the Sennacherib approach, taunting us with the words  ''how can your God save you now?''.
As humans, our initial response would be similar to that of a people under siege- in duress, which is the same way one may feel when he sees a four legged creature in the dark wilds only to realize it was a goat whilst thinking it was a lion. We normally have a shock arrest of fear, but it is appalling that many of us remain that way- in the same shocked mode way after the cause has passed away. That is, we keep carrying the effect of anxiety even when the culprit for it has been exposed.
When Sennacherib thought to invade Jerusalem, all the inhabitants had that shock of fear, but on hearing Hezekiah's words concerning God's promises, they found a shock absorber to keep them in check. And how did they do that...they 'rested themselves upon the words' (2 Chronicles 32:8).
Your ability to continually trust God's assuring words than fear taunts keeps you in check when the pandemonium arrives.
And one of those is that written in John 3:16 that 'God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that we should not perish, but have everlasting
life'. Now if God could plan such a long term project over 2000 years back out of His love for you while you were non-existent, how much more now that you exist? Think about it? It means if He had another chance to do all over again for you, He would; and that is because He loves us unconditionally, unmeritedly.
Thus, I implore you to focus on that love; such that whenever the assyrians siege you at anytime, you can be comforted by the comfort of His love, knowing that it is not about how much the oppositions attack, but how God responds; and hear again what God says concerning you this tough periods of your life, exactly the same thing He told Hezekiah 'For I will defend this city (you) to save it for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake' (Isaiah 37:35). Remember, it's in quietness and confidence in His Person that we actually get saved in all situations. (Isaiah 30:15).
God is watching over you (2 Chronicles 32:22), and warring all for you......only believe!


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