You Can't Bribe God

 We've heard of preacher talking about men robbing God, and we can attest to it as true because Malachi stated the same in scripture (Mal 3:8), but how hardly do we hear of men bribing God, which is the very deed almost every one of us engage in on a daily basis. Bribes could pass for a gift, but in reality it is a false compensation for our unwillingness to do what is needed and what is appropriate. In our normal daily lives, we try to bribe God just to secure the acquisition of the things we desire the most. Whenever in prayer, despite being fully aware in our unwillingness to obey His every will, we still table so called "community services" we would do in exchange if we were blessed; for the very fact that we try to connive our way into getting things outside the way He truly wants us to, we attempt to bribe Him. When we fail to pay those we owe, but still give massives amounts to NGOs, hoping perhaps it could work on God like a tickle, we attempt to bribe Him; and what does He say about such attempts? "God loathes the gift of evil men, especially if they are trying to bribe Him" (Pro 21:27 TLB). Before God, justice holds as a major priority before charity- meaning that He values your doing what is right than any charitable work you think would give you the blessing you seek. 'God is more pleased when we are just and fair than when we give gifts' (Pro 21:3 TLB). Hence, know this: God simply has only one prerequisite to receiving the blessings you seek, which is that we carefully heed to His commands in total obedience (Deut 15:4-5), such that when He said 'owe no man nothing', He meant doing all that must be done, before stepping into the platform of supplication. Like Hosea said, God does not require your sacrifices- earnest efforts and attempts to cajole Him into doing your biddings, rather He wants you to be more like Him, doing all HE expects of us (6:6)- being just to all men, fair in your dealings, obedient in your walk with Him, and humble enough to do everything the moment requires of us in the right way (Micah 6:8), because only in being more like Him, do we receive the capacity to obtain all He has prepared for us in Himself. Thus, if you lived life trying to bribe God through any of these ways or more prior to now, this is your cue to stop, and consider the truth you just learnt- which is, doing things the right way as God demands to get things the right way God deposited them for our getting.


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