What Love Is

 When Solomon spoke about how the path of a just man shines ascendingly forever (Pro 4:18), he illustrated how every day God has great benefits en route towards wherever such a man dwells. Like i said last time, God has a basic instinct to help those whom He loves; but what about those who love Him?
 Just in the same way those God loves are blessed before Him, those who love Him are destined for good things (Rom 8:28). Those who love Him through His Son Jesus, who is the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24) are bound for glory beyond what meets the eye. God commenting on wisdom says "those who love and follow me are indeed wealthy" (Pro 8:21 NLT). But what does it mean to love wisdom?
1) "love is a deep affection towards one": Embracing God's wisdom and as a result taking steps as He dictates is the very first phase to getting rich in God. Once we become conscious of how God is priceless compared to every other thing in life we'd realize that having God means having all. Human manipulations and tricks may get you the profits you crave for, but only in God can you find profits without sorrowful fits. Set your desire on things above (Col 3:2), why? because all good things men can ever receive come from God (James 1:17).
2) "love is doing what must be done without doubt": Trusting God's ways above carnally inspired schemes is the most vital sign that we love Him; and since faith works by love (Gal 5:6), the rewards of such deeds can never be abated. Your willingness to live life according to God's plans for you assures you of a victory in the coming days. Joseph could have manuevre his way to the top using Portiphar's wife influence by simply obliging to her request, but because he detested human plots in comparison to God's will for him, though it may not have looked good for an instant, yet it eventually turned out for his best.
In other words, the chance of making a real mark in life lies in our decision to cling to God and follow only His way amidst the supposed brillant fleshly ideas that tempt us into going out of God's plans for us. Adam and Eve tried it when they sought another means to be great outside God, and it didn't work out for them, same way it would never work for us. Hence, let this stay fixated in your heart- that by getting God you get all, because making Him your surest and only means of success is the surest route to success.


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