Trusting His Plan Without Doubt

 God always has a plan for your life. You may not like the plan, but His plan is always good enough to make of you all you're destined to become. Life, sometimes, may not turn out the way we fantasized it to be in our heads, but in time, it will surely turn out the way God planned it and planted it in our hearts. All we have to do is trust Him. Most times, on seeing events they term disadvantaged, a lot of people verbalize comments that would make you feel like you have no chance at all to fulfill your dreams; but if there is something God has taught me these past few years, it is that it is not about men's opinion about you or your situation, but about His concerning you. How early or how late you are means nothing when God's decision is set. Only God is beyond time, and so only Him can make late great and early count. All you really have to do is trust Him. This to me is the principal theology every man should adopt- Living a trustfilled life towards God. Don't let your present setback zap out all the faith you've got left. You have trusted God too long to fail in faith now. So, keep holding on to that faith you have in Him. He did it before, He can-and will-do it again. Regardless of whatever you may have encountered or will, always rest on the salient truth that God's got it all in control. Trust in His own plan to take you where you ought to be in destiny. Joseph didn't expect to get the throne through the arena of slavery; nor David through vagrancy, but despite how harsh the situation seemed at the moment, they got to their destinies. Hence, the struggle may wear you out sometimes, but if like these men, you'd stay trusting God to do all He says He would, then i can boldly tell you that you'd reach your utopia in life. A wise man once said, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding[of situations]....and He shall direct your path[to destiny] (Pro 3:5-6 Emphasis mine). So, stay trusting to thrust your way into the greatness your life awaits.


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